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Assigning to Entity/Entity Group

The table contains the overview of all database tables with descriptions.

The Datengruppe specifies whether a table belongs to the

  • Dyn - dynamic data
  • Sta - master data (master file)
  • Sys - system files.

System data contain general settings that can be adjusted; however, as a rule they are independent of the using bank and of whether the system is intended for test or production purposes.

Master data refers to all data used for the processing and settlement of business transactions but do not change in the course of processing, such as parties, accounts and conditions.

Dynamic data are data that arise from the processing of business transactions, such as contract data, transactions or workflow entries. Or they may result directly from using the system, such as session entries.

If additional customer-specific tables are entered in an installation, it makes sense to also assign these to one of these groups (by an appropriate entry in the relevant section of the SYSDBA.INI file). This assignment is important for the transactions 'Database administration“ (SYSDBA) and 'Initialize database' (SYSINI). Only in this way can it be ensured that data belonging together remain consistently contained or deleted.

For multi-entity systems, the assignment indicates at what level the assignment of a single set of a table is made to the possible units entity (ETY), entity group (ETG) or global system (Global).

In the case of 'ETY', the database table contains an 'ETYEXTKEY' column with the key for the relevant entity. 'ETG' contains the table of an 'ETGEXTKEY' column with the key of the relevant entity group.

The entries 'Log. ETY' and 'Log. ETG' mean that no explicit assignment exists for these tables via the code of the entity or entity group; however, each data set refers to a specified entry of another table which, in turn, is clearly assigned to an entity or entity group.
Example: the 'LET' table contains the INR of the relevant 'LED' entry which, in turn, contains the ETYEXTKEY.

If necessary for specific projects, the assignments of tables can also be defined differently in principle. On the other hand, both the dependencies of the tables among one another and a number of technical restrictions need to be borne in mind.

Table Description Data Group Assigned to Remarks
Dyn Sta Sys
ACK ACK - Acknowledge Entries X ETG
ACR ACR - Accruing Control Records X ETY refers to Contract (ETY)
ACS ACS - Accruing Sum Records per Account X ETG
ACT ACT - Account X ETG
ADR ADR - Address X ETG
ANA ANA - allNETT Contract Record X Log. ETY Refers to contract (ETY)
ANB ANB - allNETT Transaction Record X Log. ETY refers to ANA
APF APF - Application Form X Global
ATC ATC - Application Transaction Configuration X ETG
ATP ATP - Application Transaction Profile X Global
BCD BCD - Import Collection Data X ETY
BCT BCT - Import Collection Text X Log. ETY refers to BCD
BED BED - Document Set under Export L/C Data X ETY
BET BET - Document Set under Export L/C Text X Log. ETY refers to BED
BID BicPlusIBAN X Global
BOD BOD - Export Collection Data X ETY
BOT BOT - Export Collection Text X Log. ETY refers to BOD
BPD BPD - Advance Data X ETY
BPT BPT - Advance Text X Log. ETY refers to BPD
BRD BRD - Document Set under Import L/C Data X ETY
BRT BRT - Document Set under Import L/C Text X Log. ETY refers to BRD
BTD BTD - Document Set under Transfer L/C - Data X ETY
BTT BTT - Document Set under Transfer L/C - Text X Log. ETY refers to BTD
CBB CBB - CBS Balance per Column and Date Range X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY) or PTS
CBE CBE - CBS Entry X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY) or PTS
CCA CCA - Common Contract Archive X ETY
CCI CCI - Common Contract Information X ETY
CCR CCR - Parties and Foreign References for Archived Contracts (CCA) X Log. ETY
CHD CHD - Check Handling Contract Data X ETY
CHK CHK - Checks X ETY
CHT CHT - Check Handling texts X Log. ETY refers to CHD
CMT CMT - Comment for Transaction Field X Global presently not used
COU COU - TradeDesign Counter Table X Global
CPD CPD - Clean Payment Data X ETY
CPT CPT - Clean Payment Text X Log. ETY refers to CPD
CRI CRI - Check Routing X ETG
CRO CRO - Check Routing X ETG
CTY CTY - Country X Global
CUR CUR - Currency X ETG
DTC DTC - Application Transaction Configuration X
EAB EAB - Export Finance Account Bookings X Log. ETG refers to ACT
EAC EAC - Export Finance Account Balance X Log. ETG
EAP EAP - Export Finance Account Pointer X Log. ETY refers to TRN, ACT, PTS
ECC ECC - Export Finance Consolidation Credit X Log. ETY
ECD ECD - Export Finance Data X ETY
ECT ECT - Export Finance Text X Log. ETY refers to ECD
EFD EFD - Export Finance Dossier Data X ETY
EFT EFT - Export Finance Dossier Text X Log. ETY refers to EFD
ERK ERK - Frame Agreement X ETG
ETA ETA - Entity Address X ETG
ETAUIL ETAUIL - Translatable Fields of Entity Address X Log. ETG refers to ETA
ETG ETG - Entity Group X Global
ETP ETP - Additional Transaction Profile (Entity Group) X ETG
ETY ETY - Entity X Global
EVT EVT - Event Log X ETY
FCP FCP - Foreign Charges Pool X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY)
FEC FEC - Fee Condition and Calculation Rule X ETG
FEP FEP - Fee Pool X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY)
GCD GCD - Guarantee Claim Data X ETY
GCT GCT - Guarantee Claim Text X Log. ETY refers to GCD
GID GID - Guarantee Data X ETY
GIT GIT - Guarantee Text X Log. ETY refers to GID
GLE GLE - General Ledger Entry X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY)
GLP GLP - Pool of GL Entries X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY)
GTX GTX - Guarantee Text X ETG
HLP HLP - Online Help Text X Global
IRS IRS - Interest Rates per Date Range X ETG
IBP IBP - IBAN Plus Directory X Global
IRT IRT - Interest Rate Definition X ETG
JOB JOB - Batchjobs X ETY
KFPCCI KFPCCI - Key Figure Pool Additional Contract Data X SYS
KFPTIE KFPTIE - Transaction Interest Earnings X SYS
KFPTRNI KFPTRN - Transaction Data X SYS
LED LED - Export L/C Data X ETY
LET LET - Export L/C Text X Log. ETY refers to LED
LID LID - Import L/C Data X ETY
LIT LIT - Import L/C Text X Log. ETY refers to LID
LSA LSA - Limit System Amount X Log. ETG refers to LSB
LSB LSB - Limit System Balance X ETG
LSC LSC - Limit System Sum per Currency X Log. ETG refers to LSB
LSE LSE - Limits System Earmarking X Log. ETG refers to LSB
LSL LSL - Limit System Request Balance Link X Log. ETY links LSB and LSR together
LSM LSM - Limit System Modifications X Log. ETY refers to TRN and CBE
LSR LSR - Limit System Requestor X Log. ETY refers to PTE
LSS LSS - Limit System Signature X Log. ETY refers to LSB and LSM
LTD LTD - LTD - Transfer L/C Data X ETY
LTT LTT - Transfer L/C Text X Log. ETY refers to LTD
MCD MCD - Manual Contract Data X ETY
MCT MCT - Manual Contract Text X Log. ETY
MLE MLE - Mail Instruction Element X Log. ETG refers to MLI
MLI MLI - Mail Instruction X ETG refers to PTY
NTF NTF - Notify Entries X Global
OIT OIT - Object Infotext X ETG refers to Contract (ETY), PTY, ACT
ORE ORE - Event for ORD X ETY
ORR ORR - Order Schedule X Log. ETY refers to ORD
PAD PAD - Participation Data X ETY
PAT PAT - Participation Text X Log. ETY refers to PAD
PRT PRT - Printer Specification X Global
PTA PTA - Party Address Association X ETG
PTC PTC - Contact Person per Party / Address X ETG
PTD PTD - Party Liability Details X Log. ETY refers to PTE
PTE PTE - Liability Sub Contract X Log. ETY refers to PTS
PTM PTM - Authentication Info of Communication Channel X ETG
PTS PTS - PTS - Party per Contract X Log. ETY refers to Contract (ETY)
PUD PUD - Payment Undertaking Data X ETY
PUT PUT - Payment Undertaking Text X Log. ETY
QUE QUE - Interactive Queue X ETY + ETG
RCD RCD - Reimbursement Claim Data X ETY
RCT RCT - Reimbursement Claim Text X Log. ETY refers to RCD
REG REG - Region X Global
RMD RMD - Reimbursement Data X ETY
RMT RMT - Reimbursement Text X Log. ETY refers to RMD
ROI ROI - Additional Routinginformations for incoming messages X Log. ETG refers to PTY
RZA RZA - Payout Plan X Log. ETY
RZC RZC - Repayment Plan Claim X Log. ETY
RZD RZD - Repayment Plan Header X Log. ETY
RZL RZL - Repayment Plan Link X Log. ETY
RZP RZP - Repayment Plan X ETY
RZS RZS - Repayment Plan Interest Course X Log. ETY
RZZ RZZ - Repayment Plan Maturities X Log. ETY
SEP SEP - Settlement Pool X ETY
SGD SGD - Shipping Guarantee Data X ETY
SGT SGD - Shipping Guarantee Text X log.ETY refers to SGD
SLA SLA - Service Level Agreements X ETG
SLE SLE - Service Level Entrys X ETG
SLG SLG - System Modification Log X Log. ETY/ETG
SMH SMH - Structured Message Header X ETY
SMX SMX - SMH Extension X Log. ETY refers to SMH
SPC SPC - System Printer Configuration for Print Queues (SPQ)) X ETG refers to USR
SPQ SPQ - Print Queue Entry X ETG
SPR SPR - System Pending Release X Log. Owner depending on object entry refers to
SPT SPT - System Pending Transaction X ETY + ETG
SRO SRO - Service Order Dependencies X Global
SSN SSN - Session X Global
STB STB - System Codetable Contents X Global/ETG
STH STH - System Codetable Header X Global/ETG
SVE SVE - Selection Value Entry X Log. ETY refers to SVS
SVS SVS - Selection Value Set Definition X ETY
SWH SWH - Header of SWIFT Field Mapping X Global
SWM SWM - SWIFT Field Mapping X Global
SYA SYA - System Status Record X Global
SYB SYB - Service Status Record X Global
SYK SYK - Node Load Statistic X Global
SYM SYM - Manager Instance X Global
SYN SYN - Server Node X Global
SYSUSR SYSUSR - TDRights data of user X Global
TRD TRD - Loan Data X ETY
TRN TRN - Transaction Record X ETY
TRO TRO - Transaction Dependencies X Log. ETY refers to TRN
TRS TRS - Signatures for Transaction X ETY
TRT TRT - Loan Text X Log. ETY refers to TRD
TXM TXM - Text Module X ETG
UAB UAB - User Absence X Global
UBR UBR - User Business Rights X ETY
USF USF - User Filter X Log. ETY refers to USR
USFUSG USFUSG - Set of User Groups for Filter X Log. ETY refers to USG (Code) and USF
USFUSR USFUSR - Set of Users for Filter X Log. ETY refers to USR (Code) and USF
USG USG - User Group X ETY
USR USR - User Profile X ETY
USRREL USRREL - List of Releaser X Log. ETY refers to USR
WFD WFD - Workflow Statistic Entries X ETY
WFE WFE - Workflow Entry X Log. ETY refers to WFS
WFS WFS - Workflow Subject X ETY
XRT XRT - Exchange Rate X ETG
dev/090zzz/010dbf/0000etyetg.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)