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How to translate terms

This page collects how to dos for changing of terms in the application.

Wording changes within a transaction:

  1. Open the Application within the work environment you want to work in
  2. Open/Launch target transaction
  3. Switch to design mode (F9)
  4. Search for the word to change (Loupe icon in Design bar)
  5. The search panel will show all found entries including comments and internal sources
  6. Click onto the relevant found entry you want to change
  7. The relevant editor (Rule, Panel, Field-Properties . . .) will open
  8. Change the text as intended
  9. If necessary the source file needed will automatically be checked out (if possible)
  10. Continue with the next found entry you want to change
  11. Do not forget to save the changes before leaving
  12. Change back to execution mode (F9)
  13. Navigate to the next transaction you want to work on and continue with step 3.

Tip: Stay in design mode and use the open file icon in the top left corner of the module explorer to open the intended transaction.

Find a transaction

To find a transaction using a certain module, as this module holds literals to be changed

  1. Launch GENXRF product / overlay you want to work in
  2. Change to the overlay (in DNG this is the main overlay)
  3. Select the target module
  4. Optionally select a different transaction you want to use to change the literals and a different work environment to do the changes in
  5. Click the Edit button to launch a new Trade2 session to edit the selected transaction and included modules

Tip: Stay in design mode in the second session and use the open file icon in the top left corner of the module explorer to open the intended transaction without launching another trade2 session

Find occurances cross transactions

To find certain literals across the overall application:

  • Use an editor with a find text in multiple files option. UltraEdit has this feature.
  • Search for the text in all files with the extension .fr? or .tr? in the frame directory of the installation. (e.g. s:\dok5\frame\*.fr? )
  • The resulting list will show all occurrences
  • The filename shows a module (.fr?) or a transaction (.tr?) with the searched literal
  • If special character (like German Umlaut, ä,ö,ü) are to be searched keep in mind that TradeDesign sources are UTF-8 encoded
dev/100how/0050transl.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)