
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

The following FAQ pages are to be used as container to collect questions and the answers.

When adding a question, a page maintainer will be informed and the answer will be added.

In case you have a question please

  1. Search in the DNG or the TD dokuwiki with useful search words
    → this will search through DNG-APP, DNG-DEV, DNG-DEM and TD dokuwiki.
    More information on searching can be found here:

    If the result does not help:
  2. Write a new paragraph with a question tagged by a leading ??? into the matching FAQ page.
  3. You may subscribe that page or the namespace of the FAQ pages to automatically get informed on changes/answers.


TradeDesign internal technical FAQs

Sample case

call the URL: http://hhcentfs/dng/dokuwiki to open the dokuwiki. Having the dokuwiki open you might integrate the dokuwiki internal search engine into the available search engines of the browser. In Firefox this might be done by klicking the magnifying glass

Search control in Firefox

(if you don't have the search control visible in the Firefox menu bar, right click on the menu bar and use [Adjust / Anpassen] to add the search control to the Firefox menu bar) and select the function add to add the search engine to the available search engines. Having done that you can always directly search the dokuwiki without opening it by entering the searchword and selecting the dokuwiki search engine.

How the subscribe pages

On the right side of the dokuwiki there are icons which grant access to dokuwiki functions:


Selecting the function “Manage Subscriptions” opens a page which allows to manage subscriptions:

There either a single page are a group of pages can be subscribed.

And please do not forget to press the subscribe button, as otherwise nothing will happen.

dev/200faq/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)