
Range of functions in DOKA-NG

This page covers the list of functions available in DOKA-NG and the associated links to a detailed description on the functionality. Many of these functions are provided in the default system configuration; others can be added by purchasing additional module licenses.


DOKA-NG is a configurable back-office trade finance solution for globally operating banks as well as regional banks.

Modular and highly scalable, DOKA-NG carries out daily processing on a transaction-type basis, automatically executing all necessary working steps within each transaction. The product handles a full range of trade finance transactions, often referred to as Trade Finance Products and/or Business Sectors. It features a comprehensive range of tool-kit options enabling streamlined customization of settings according to user preferences and transaction types.

The product's user interface is available in English, German, and Spanish and can be adapted to other languages as required.

System set-up

Function Details
Multi Entity - General Information Scalable Back office solution allows a wide variety of concepts for multiple bank operations, main branches/branches to be implemented in one system, e.g.:
-Several banks can be operated in one DOKA-NG installation, with bookkeeping/customer data being kept completely separate.
-One DOKA-NG installation supports the operation of any number of bank branches. Handling of a business transaction can be passed on to another branch.
Multi Time Zones - Time Zones Processing of business transactions in different time zones allows transactions to be processed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Multi-Currency - General Information Definition of a base currency for each Entity Group. In multiple-bank operation, this allows the individual banks to be assigned to a different system currency, for example, or the foreign branches of a bank can be given access to DOKA-NG.
Detailed information on currency set-up and exchange rates can be found under Currencies and Exchange Rates
Multilingual Interface The user interface is available in English, German and Spanish; translations into other languages are an option. Character set used is UTF8 by default.

System Maintenance / Administrator functions

Function Details
Employee organization - General Information - Assignment of a user/ Maintaining User Profiles to one of several entities
- Assignment of user to a team, administration of Maintaining User Groups
- Different release authorizations per entity / business sector, own release, 4-eye principle
- Replacement of Responsible User (long-term), interim Maintaining the Default Filter (replacement function)
- Definition of Maintaining responsible Releaser on a per-user basis
System Configuration Maintenance of several system parameters such as Message channels, Letter layout, Swift release activation etc.
Detailed information can be found under Maintaining System Configuration and Maintaining System Parameters
System Calendar Administration of one or several system calendars along with corresponding public holiday calendars.
- Detailed information on system calendar set-up can be found under Maintaining System Calendars
- Detailed information on holiday calendar set-up can be found under Maintaining System Holidays
Service Level Agreements - Service Level Agreements can be defined at business sector, transaction class, channel, customer, and customer group levels with specific processing times.
- Detailed information can be found under Service Level Agreement Transaction Panel and Maintaining Service Level Agreements
Job system Preplanned running of transactions or reports, interactive configuration of triggering transaction, relative date calculation, taking into account the calendar of public holidays, first/last day of a period can be defined.
- Detailed information on jobs can be found under Jobs
Archiving of Contract data All information (contract details, references, transaction history, messages, documents) in a zipped XML document.
Detailed information can be found under Archiving Contract Data

Key Features

Function Details
User interface - Graphical User Interface
- Intuitive landing page - The Office .
- Configurable menu, detailed information can be found under Maintaining Office Menu
- Context Menus
- Direct launch of transactions
- Customizable Transaction Profiles and Configuration
MyModelbank The standard product is supplied with a pre-configured database model containing several hundred sample forms which can easily be adapted to the bank's corporate design.
A large selection of templates, contracts, transactions and functions makes it possible to learn the system quickly.
Static Data System Maintenance of several Static Data set-up including 4 Eye Control in the Maintenance of Static Data
Integrated Limit System Definition, management and monitoring of limits, either product-specific or for all products.
Paperless Office Secure, simultaneous access to all information from anywhere within the IT infrastructure. Tools and services includes:
- The Memo Function allows notes/yellow stickers to be attached to a file for the purpose of issuing a work order.
- Scanning of incoming documents.
General processing of transactions - Direct access to all processing screens, data can be entered in any order
- Dynamic defaulting based on data previously entered
- Constant updating of output correspondence
- Transaction processing can be interrupted (paused) at any time, re-entry takes place at the same point

Direct checks of data entered:
- Error messages relating to the relevant field
- Warnings (tiered system: for information only, when transaction is launched, or context-specific during processing)
Special Processing Modalities Below are the list of functions that are handled identically, independent of the business sector
- Liability Concept
- LIACCV Cash Cover
- Handling of Amendments
- Detrimental Amendments
- Confirmations
- Participations Sold (Syndications)
- Assignments
- Rebates
Settlement - SETMOD Settlement - Appropriate defaulting of own fees
- Multilateral settlement in a single step
- Booking entries on customer accounts, internal accounts or via request from other banks
- Temporary Settlements
- Credit transfers via several clearing systems and clearing mechanisms. More details are described under Messages
- Direct debit, advice, storage (pooling) of own and third-party fees
- Conversion into other currencies
- Splitting: debits/credits to different accounts
- automated exchange rate revaluation of the current trading when the rate was unknown at the time the transaction was entered.
- Free of Payment
Fees, Fee-Conditions, Interest Rates - Complex system of conditions allows calculation of virtually all fee constellations, including
Per cent/per thousand, with prior periods, tiered amounts or times, base points, risk commissions for variable base amounts.
- Option to super impose specific conditions for division, entity, region, country, head office or parties.
- Value added Tax (VAT - Maintaining Fees)
- Accruing of Commissions
- Automatic Commissioning -General information about automatic commissioning
Diary - Automatic/manual generation/completion of diaries based on transaction processing.
- Transfer Diary from one user to another
Predefined Text blocks (General Information) - Predefined text blocks can be saved to the database for use in correspondence.
- Inclusion of free-form text/contract fields in text blocks.
- Use of placeholders for mandatory entries in text.
Advanced Text Definition Maintenance of advanced pre-defined texts such as syndication agreements or guarantee text on various levels such as for a “Party”, “Country” etc.
Document Editor Built-in functionality that allows the user to overwrite existing letter correspondence to make minor text adjustments.
Contract related information - Copying Contracts
- Changing Contract Currency
- Contract Common Information
- Reserving Single Reference Number / Reserving Reference Numbers
- Info system, detailed information can be found under General Information on Info Transactions
Quick overview - Contract overview - Display a business contract / Contract overview (SEL Panel)
- Interactive Search - Search within the application
- Users can access all processing steps at any time and Transaction Information, pretty prints of incoming and outgoing messages
Correspondence - Messages - Outgoing correspondence defaults to the receiver's preferred language and technical channel
- Attaching correspondence to the outgoing electronic message
- Generation of payment messages, information on the same can be found under SESPAY Payment Module
- Resending Messages - Possible Duplicates
- Handling Acknowledgments (ACK/ NACK) generated by SWIFT system
- In-depth information on Messages can be found in the preceding link.
Mailing instructions - Can be saved for each party
- Can be entered manually from within transaction
- Including change of format
- Detailed information can be found under Maintaining Mail Instructions
Structured Infotext and Attachment(s) - Efficient handling of party information, providing trade finance staff with the right customer information at the right time.
- Detailed information about this topic can be found under Maintaining Parties and Maintaining Categories
Object Infotexts Storing Info texts and Stop texts and retrieving it in a business transaction together with startup warnings and startup information.
Release - General Information Control & Release - Quick release/ detailed release / bulk release
- Displayed clearly: changed fields are highlighted in processing screens
- Changed text passages in lengthy texts are highlighted.
- Detailed information can be found under Transaction and Pending Item, Release
Helptexts - Field-specific help texts
- Customizable for each installation
- General help text with search facility
Documentation - Access to general/transaction-specific documentation at any time.
- Easily accessible using context menu - Display Transaction Documentation & Display General Documentation
- Online Help
SmartForms - Smartform is a one-way electronic communication channel from the bank's client to the bank in PDF document forms.
Orders - Identifies the next steps due for processing and lists them in order of priority
- redistribution of workload to other users/teams
Queues - Identifies the next steps due for processing and lists them in order of priority
- redistribution of workload to other users/teams
Compliance Facilitates compliance checking of business transactions, party static data and incoming messages. Also, is suited to handle false positives.
Codetable - General Information Contains various codes used in various transactions and the relevant long text descriptions for the codes.

Configuration Capabilities

DOKA-NG provides several configurable capabilities that give users the flexibility to set-up the system as per the bank’s wish.

Function Details
Reference Number Configuration (Maintaining Reference Number Configuration) - Customizable reference number as per bank’s requirement for the entity group.
Multi Signature (Maintaining Multi Signature Setting) - Multi Release tier set-up for releasing a business contract
Configurable Diaries (Save Diary (Arguments for TrnDiaSet)) - Configuration and parametrization of diaries using static data system
Configurable Fees (Store Fee (Arguments for AddFeeData)) - Configuration and defining fees per business transaction
Configurable Product Codes (General Information) - Categorization of type of products/services offered by the bank into product codes
Configurable Product Liability Account (General Information) - Configuration of Liability accounts based on the defined product codes setup
Configurable GLE File (General Information) - Configuration and structuring of General Ledger entries output file

Trade Finance products & Business Sectors

Below is the list of business sectors offered in the product.

Business Sector Details
Import L/C - Processing of import L/Cs and import document sets,
including the option for Advances (Introduction) or Loans (Introduction)
as well as the processing of Shipping Guarantee (Introduction)
Export L/C - Processing of export L/Cs and export document sets,
including the option of an Advance (Introduction) or a Loan (Introduction) involving various parties.
- In addition, export L/Cs can also be transferred (Introduction), and transfer documents can be processed.
Import Collection - Processing of Import Collections,
with the option of an Advance (Introduction) or a Loan (Introduction)
Export Collection - Processing of Export Collections, with the option of an Advance (Introduction) .
Guarantee - Processing of incoming and outgoing guarantees and claims.
Reimbursement - Processing of incoming reimbursement authorizations and reimbursement claims.
Advance - Issuing of various types of advances without/with association to an L/C or a collection.
Loan - Issuing of various types of loans without/with association to an L/C or a collection.
Participation - Processing of the participation in the L/C risk of another bank.
Syndication - Syndicating the risk of the bank with other participants in connection to confirmed Export L/C and Guarantees.
Clean Payment - Processing of outgoing and incoming clean payments as well as clean payments to be forwarded.
Check Handling - Processing of import and export cheques presented in batches 'Subject to payment'.
Payment Undertaking - Processing of Payment Undertaking
Approved Payable Finance - Processing of Approved Payable Finance (buyer centric Supply Chain Finance)
Receivable Finance - Processing of Receivable Finance (supplier centric Supply Chain Finance)
Export Finance - Processing of Export Finance, i.e buyer's credit, supplier's credits and consolidation credits on the basis of fixed repayment plans and with the participation of export credit insurers or other risk-minimizing instruments.
Manual Contract - Processing of special customer functions and requirements across contracts, e.g., free-format messages to any number of parties, piecemeal settlements or balance confirmations.
Shipping Guarantee - Processing of shipping guarantees without/with association to an import L/C.

Message Standards & Channel Specific information

The below table shows a list of correspondence channels available in the application. Detailed information can be found under Types of Correspondence /Channels

DOKA-NG is a SWIFT certified application that conforms to ICC regulations.

Function Details
ISO 20022 ISO 20022 is standards development methodology for financial information.
ICC Standards UCP600, URC522, URR725, URDG758
SWIFT SWIFT alliance is available as online interface, all other online interfaces need to be defined depending on infrastructure.
It is easy to switch the operation of the available interfaces from batch to online interfaces.
SWIFT MT The system is capable of creating outgoing SWIFT messages as well as receiving incoming SWIFT messages to and from a bank's SWIFT application (e.g; MERVA or Alliance).
Detailed information can be found under SWIFT Integration and Swift MT - Header and Services
Swift MX Swift XML format messages
SWIFT MX CBPR+ payments Swift Payments messages in XML format
SWIFT Score Swift messages to and from corporates
allNETT allNETT is a Surecomp product, which can be installed at banks and is used by the banks customers to handle their Trade Finance business in cooperation with the bank.
DOKA-NG contains an allNETT interface which is creating and exchanging messages with allNETT.
The following messages are supported: Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO and Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO
RIVO RIVO is a Surecomp product, which is handling Trade Finance business for corporates and banks.
DOKA-NG contains a RIVO interface which is creating and exchanging messages with RIVO.
The following messages are supported: Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO and Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO
Bolero Integration Bolero enabled
Target2 RTGS Detailed information can be found under Target2 / RTGS
SEPA Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) enable Europe-wide payment transactions made in Euro.
Detailed information can be found under SEPA credits and direct debits
TradeConnect Detailed information can be found under TCO Integration
DTA Standard (Germany) DTAEA Export LCs, DTALC Import LCs, DTA Guarantees
Other Interfaces General Ledger, Customer and Account Information, Rates, Limit and API.
Detailed information about API and it's related transaction documentation can be found under Manager for Service Layer

Data Export & Import

Function Details
Data Import The product offers several file based import functions.
This can be used to import data such as Accounts, parties, user details etc. into the database of the application.
API's can also be used to import this data.
Migration When migrating to DOKA-NG from a legacy system, the existing contracts can be migrated.
The application supports file based migration to several business sectors.
Reorganization Tools The application provides several reorganization tools, that helps the user to reorganise the data through transactions without having to do it manually.
Data Export The product offers export functionality of contract data, so that in case of an issue the problem can be better analysed.


Function Details
Separation Application/System The system level is separate from the user level and can even be switched while the system is in production.
Customization High level of flexibility, adaptability during introductory phase through
- Processing screens/ sequence can be freely chosen
- Layout, sequence and labeling of fields can be changed directly
- Additional screens and fields can be added at any time
- Checks/ logic associations at field level and can be changed
- New fields in database, and hence available for evaluation
Workflow architecture Basis for real Straight-Through-Processing (STP):
- Automatic execution of services on a per-transaction basis
- Processing without requiring interaction by the user
- Multiple services can run in parallel, no linear dependencies,
- configurable sequences and dependencies of services
- Scheduling, job-enabled
Managers The product consists of several transactions that can be executed in the background (automatically) to enable STP.
List of managers can be found under Manager
Problem Handling The product provides variety of transactions that are required for system maintenance in emergency cases.
It is strongly recommended to limit the access to these transactions to specially authorized administrators.
Support of open standards Use of industry standards (SQL, XML, Java, …)
Interfaces with front-end systems allNETT, RIVO,COR-TF and TradeConnect Web (TCO Integration)


Functions that affect the logging of events, the administration of authorization rights and other processes pertinent to security

Function Details
Audit Trail-Complete log of changes Audit trail is used to record every change related to any database entry or configuration file. Also, log of system modifications Info System Modification Log can be referred.
Encrypted communications Communication between client and server uses the SSL protocol. This means data transmission between the client used by the user (usually a PC) and the server is not in plain text, but encrypted. This prevents application data from being captured by “listening in”.
Control by Runtime System The entire execution of the application takes place under the control of the TradeDesign Runtime System, which means manipulation of the client or of the connection cannot trigger functions which are not provided for at this point by the application software.
No shell access on the server From the point of view of the user client, there is no need to send operating system-level commands to the server. Access to the operating system and other system functions can be prevented centrally, at the server level. This ensures that there is no direct access to the servers from more widely dispersed user clients and that the server, or data accessible on the server, cannot be manipulated in any way. Similarly, evaluation of data is only possible to the extent provided for by the application and the user profile.
Signed Java applets The use of signed Java applets eliminates the danger of unchecked Java applets being executed.
Stability When the application is waiting for user input, no database transactions are open. This reduces the risk of resource overflows or timeouts occurring in the database to a minimum.
Recovery If the connection to the client is lost: the interrupted transaction is saved automatically
If the connection to the network is lost: after a timeout, the interrupted action is saved automatically, followed by a reconnect
If the connection to the application server is lost: rollback, load balancer
Data storage Allows the saving of files and messages to be relocated to the database. In this way, files can be stored in a different security zone, hidden behind additional firewalls.
Logs Session Log, Application event log, Error Log

Reporting & Analytics

Function Details
Report Generator for Contracts - Each business sector contains a transaction used to produce a report based on the contracts within a business sector.
- Cross business sector reports are also possible using transaction Report Generator All Sectors
Report Key Figure Pool Enables evaluation of data in key figures pool very fast and efficiently.
Management Dashboard Overview of daily business in graphically enhanced format using pie charts and bar graphs
Analytical Reports Enables integration with third-party software to DOKA-NG for analytical reports.
Standard Reports The product provides a number of predefined reports.
Detailed information of Report functionality can be found under Reports and information on sample MyModelBank reports can be found under Reports.
en/app/010ini/0020features.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 13:10 by bp