
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

This technology allows data to be exchanged between two applications. Within the application, the user has the option of starting the Info System as a standalone application in addition to the standard application to process daily business.

Together, DDE and Info - which is opened by clicking the [i] button - provide the user with an advanced search functionality which can be used to run a search in the Info System. A data record selected here can then be sent back to the last user via DDE.

The user does not see the DDE receiver. The DDE connection is established by the combination of pressing the [i] button and the start of the Info System which is triggered internally.

Only one Info System can run at any one time.

This means that new starts of the Info System will automatically terminate any previously known DDE connections, replacing these with a connection from the element the present user has just started.

The [i] button used to start the Info System is normally located to the right of the relevant keyfield.

en/app/010ini/010han/0020gndde.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)