
Context Menus

Context menus provide additional functions specific to the context of the current transaction. Right-clicking activates the context menu. The functions available are independent

  • of the nature of the transaction (display or input transaction),
  • of the nature of the field (display or input field),
  • of the type of panel (framepanel or XML panel),
  • of the position of the cursor, and
  • of the authorization status of the registered user.

Right-clicking the mouse with the pointer hovering over a field, regardless of whether the field is for display or input, makes this field the current field.

Functions in Context Menus

Below are descriptions of all possible context menu functions. Whether a function is actually available or not depends on the relevant status and/or editing mode of the transaction in which the context menu is opened.

Standard Functions

Display Context Help

Shows the help text for the current field. This function has the same effect as pressing the F1 key.

Edit Context Help Text

Activates the Editor to amend helptexts for the current field. This function is only available to users with the appropriate authorization, i.e. users authorized to run the transaction Adding a Helptext.

Display Context in the Status Line

Shows the transaction, panel and field details in the status line.

Display Transaction Documentation

Shows the documentation relevant to the current transaction.

Display General Documentation

Shows the full range of the application documentation.

Shows the Windows dialog box for printing the panel.

Save Display

Saves the panel content as an image file (with the extension .“dsp”) in the “dump” directory of the installation. The path and the automatically generated file name are displayed in the status line.

Save Dump

This function is only available to users defined as 'Designer'.

Display 'About' Details

Shows details of producer and production. The most important detail is the Build version, displayed in the bottom right corner. The number shown clearly identifies the installation.

Special Functions

Debug Settings

Enables information to be stored for support purposes while running the transaction. A check mark in front of the entry indicates that one of the subsequent functions has been activated. The function activated is also indicated by a check mark. It is possible to activate combinations of functions.

This function is only available to users defined as 'Designer'.

These functions should only be activated according to the instructions from the Support Team, because the application performance can be considerably affected.

In a Thin Client installation on a Unix server, the generated output files are stored in the Server Session Logfile located in the 'tmp' directory of the installation. The file name has the following structure:


- Example: td2s20020624171303357_7299.log

In a Fat Client installation, the results of the activated functions are displayed in the Debug window of TradeDesign.

Writes information on the start of the transaction in the log file.

Writes information about the communication between client and server in the log file.

Writes information for the analysis transaction GENPRF (Profile Analyzer) in the log file.

SQL Query
Writes all SQL commands in the log file.

SQL Data
Writes the return values (data found) for all SQL statements in the log file.

Writes the use of all event, default and check rules carried out in the log file.

User Rules
Writes the use of each sub and function carried out in the log file.

Writes all internal TradeDesign functions carried out in the log file.

Writes all TD Basic commands carried out in the log file.

Writes the assessment and mapping of the flow of all modules running within the transaction in the log file.

Writes the debug information that the application issues if the tdContextDEBUGLEVEL_APPLICATION has been flagged.

Availability of debug functions for the different systems

Debug Function Fat Client Installation Thin Client Installation
Info X
Communication X
Profiling X X
SQL Query X X
Rules X X
Builtin X X
Basexec X X
Flow X

Save Image for Documentation

Generates a display file (screen shot) of all panels relating to the current transaction in the DISPLAY\MANDSP\<UIL> directory of the environment. The file name is made up as follows:

<name of transaction>.DSP

<UIL> = languagecode (i.e. EN or DE)
<name of transaction> = 6-letter mnemo of the transaction.

This display file can be viewed by clicking 'Display file'.

When the documentation is generated, these transaction panels are used instead of panels that might be automatically generated.

Append Active Panel for Documentation

Supplementary function to the 'Save Image for Documentation' section above.

The current panel is appended/attached to the end of the display file.

In particular, this is used when transaction panels are not always displayed at the same time and therefore cannot all be saved at the same time. This for example applies to panels that only become visible once a special button has been clicked.

Field Functions

The texts below can be edited on the “Text” panel of the “Maintaining System Parameters” (DBITDP) transaction.


Reverses the last change made to the current field.


Removes the selected content and transfers it to the Clipboard.


Copies the selected content and transfers it to the Clipboard.


Inserts content temporarily stored in the Clipboard in the current field.


Deletes the selected content.

Select All

Selects the complete contents of the current field.

Availability of Functions in the Various Transactions

Function Business Transaction Static Data Transaction Report Transaction System Transaction
Display Context Help X X X X
Edit Context Help Texts X X X X
Display Context in the Status Line X X X X
Display Transaction Documentation X X X X
Display General Documentation X X X X
Print Hardcopy X X X X
Save Display X X X X
Save Dump X X X X
Display 'About' Details X X X X
Debug Settings X X X X
Undo X X X X
Cut X X X X
Copy X X X X
Paste X X X X
Delete X X X X
Select All X X X X

Functions Available in the Display of XML Documents

When displaying XML documents in the Viewer, several more functions - described below - become available, in addition to those mentioned above. It does not matter which transaction type (business transaction, static data transaction, ect.) was used to activate the Viewer.

Fit Width

Adjusts the display of the document so that the full width can be viewed without having to scroll horizontally to see a whole line of text.

Fit Height

Adjusts the display of the document so that the full height can be viewed without having to scroll vertically to see a whole page.

Display All Pages

Adjusts the display of the document so that all pages can be viewed at once.

Zoom to 200%

Enlarges the display of the document to twice its original size.

Zoom to 125%

Enlarges the display of the document to one and a quarter times its original size.

Zoom to 100%

Displays the actual size of the document in the Viewer window.

Zoom to 75%

Reduces the display of the document to three quarters of its original size.

Zoom to 50%

Reduces the display of the document to half its original size.


Displays the Windows dialog box used to print the document.

en/app/010ini/010han/0030ctxmnu.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)