
Search within the application

To assist in the quick, interactive selection of data records from within the application, various search modules (abbreviated GETxxx) can be used which vary depending on the data to be searched for.

The user enters the search term into the search field, and the search module then carries out a search for this term in the main key field, the description field and, depending on the current table, in additional columns in the table.

The search behavior of all the search modules is programmed as follows:

Matching data is listed below the search field

As the user types characters into the entry field, a so-called combogrid listing matching data records is compiled below the search field. The entry being searched for can then be selected by double-clicking it in the list. The list displayed in the combogrid changes dynamically as additional characters are typed in.

During the search:

  • upper/lower case will be ignored when searching for matches, and
  • a data record is found if the search term occurs somewhere within the visible search result.

Expanded search using the magnifying glass

If the required entry cannot be found by typing into the search field, an expanded search can be started using the magnifying glass. This facility allows a much more detailed search to be conducted using multiple search terms.

If a valid entry already exists in the search field, then the magnifying glass will display the details for the selected entry.

en/app/010ini/010han/0070gnsearch.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)