

Workflow functions integrated in the application guarantee that certain permitted events run in the background without any user intervention. Functions which rely on some form of feedback are automatically carried out when confirmation is received. A messaging system automatically informs the System Administrator of any errors which emerge.

All processes running in the background are shown in the event log assigned to the relevant contract and can be viewed and controlled by the user.

A significant characteristic here is the control and release of transactions. The application draws on a very tight 4-eye principle. However, it is possible to put the responsibility for their own areas of competence on specific users. In such cases, transactions are automatically released on exiting the transaction (i.e. after successfully saving the transaction) and functions which are normally enabled after Control & Release are automatically carried out by the Workflow Manager.

Transactions which go through the more normal Control & Release process are displayed to the verifier. 'Warning' messages displayed to the user during processing are also displayed to the verifier. The same applies to defaulted texts and fields which have been changed by the user. So, the verifier has a wide range of assistance in being able to double-check user entries during Control & Release.

The workflow can be customized to meet the individual needs of the user. This is particularly so in implementing specific printing ideas.

en/app/010ini/020dokbas/0070bsdokwfl.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)