

The interfaces integrated in the application provide the user with the complete range of electronic communication options. A wide range of formats are available for receiving and sending messages. Key functions for straight-through processing are available. And so, bearing the user's control requirements in mind, manual input can be kept low - even to the point where received electronic messages can be processed without any user intervention whatsoever.

As a standard feature, the application supports the following interfaces:

  • Letter (printer)
  • TradeConnect
  • Bolero
  • SEPA
  • DTAEA - Export L/C (only in Germany)
  • DTALC - Import L/C (only in Germany)
  • DTA-Guarantees (only in Germany)
  • allNETT

Customizing user-side option enables the following options:

  • Telex
  • Email
  • Fax

In addition to all these channels supported by the application, other communication interfaces can also be realized. In particular, this includes accounting interfaces and Static Data updates.

en/app/010ini/020dokbas/0080bsdokifc.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)