
System Platform and Technical Details

The application has been developed in TradeDesign2, an application development tool written in Delphi (object-oriented Pascal). As standard, ODBC is used to connect to the database system. Databases using a Native Call interface - such as Oracle's OCI - are typically integrated.

Both XML and XLS are used to save, modify and display document templates as well as generated documents and this makes it possible to use standard external tools. The application comes equipped with an efficient WYSIWIG editor, allowing users to work on the document templates themselves.

The application contains a generic interface to Windows DLLs or Shared-Libraries, making it possible to integrate already available online interfaces - as well as those still to be generated - to other processing systems (messages, accounting, limits, and so on).

The application also possesses an integrated user administration system using password authentication. As an alternative, Windows authentication can be used, or - using a standardized interface - any other authentication procedure (e.g. SmartCard, biometric procedures, and so on).

en/app/010ini/030tecbas/0010bstecbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)