
General Elements

Most of the elements in the application are standard elements used in many other graphic interfaces. Distinctive features of the application include the icons which are explained more detailed in the section General Function Icons - and the ways how grid information (selection lists) are dealt with.

Element Description
Labeling All fields in the application are labeled, thereby clearly defining the content required for the fields.
Panel All transactions in the application are edited by using screens we call panels. These screens contain all the entry fields required to perform the particular process. If more than one screen is required for a process, it is possible to change from one screen to the next using appropriate index tabs at the bottom of each panel.
Text Field Text elements can be entered here. These entries are, however, restricted in length. If text entries need to be more extensive, when dealing with descriptions of documents for example, text blocks are used. With some fields it is also possible to retrieve data from the Info System or to retrieve pre-defined text blocks.
There are open and closed fields. Open (enabled) fields have a white background where data can be entered. Closed (disabled) fields are characterized by a gray background.
Date Field A simple way of entering the date is using the button to display a calendar. It is also possible to enter the date directly or the number of days from a date in order to calculate a date. Input information for calculating periods have to begin with one of the following characters: *, + , or -. It is also possible to enter groups of special characters, which will be analyzed from left to right order. These groups have to be entered along with the following syntax:
Special Character Description
* The following expression will be adjusted to a working day
+ Periods forward
- Periods backward
nnn Number of periods
Numeric Field Only numerical data with or without decimal / period delimiter can be entered.
Checkbox A mouse click checks or unchecks a checkbox. A check mark shows, that the checkbox is checked.
Combobox Clicking the arrow on the right of a combobox opens a selection list. Running the mouse pointer over the items highlights each one in turn. Select the item by clicking on it. Then the selected item appears in the text field of the combobox. In case of using a combobox with fix values - this means no manual entry can be entered - enter the first letter of the item being searched for. Items corresponding to this letter are then automatically displayed. It is also possible to run through the contents of the combobox by using the cursor keys.
Search Button If search buttons are used they are always positioned to the right of the relevant field or block. By clicking the search button, the user can access the Info System or text blocks. The required content can then be selected and placed in the respective field or block.
Radio Button Radio buttons are activated by clicking on them. When a radio button within a radio button group is activated, the other associated radio buttons are automatically deactivated. In principle, only one radio button within one radio button group can be active at any given time.
Scroll Bar If a table (selection list) or a text block is longer than the space actually provided, a scroll bar appears on the right of the screen allowing the user to move back and forth within the table/text block. The scroll box can be moved by pointing the mouse pointer on the scroll box and holding the left mouse button. Alternatively, click on the arrows at either end of the scroll bar to move within the table/text block. If the text content is too wide, the scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Plus/Minus Symbol To add more rows to a table click the plus symbol in the top right corner of the table. Click the minus symbol to delete a row. Rows are added above the row indicated with the cursor. The row selected with the mouse is the row deleted.
Title Bar This is a standard title bar with the usual functions close, minimize and maximize. In the title bar is the reference to the link with the application as well as the name of the transaction.
Status Bar The status bar of the application contains current messages. The name of the bank/branch in a multi-entity operation appears on the right hand side of the status bar.
Hotkeys These are a combination of keys to quickly accomplish certain functions performed frequently.
Hint When the user places the mouse pointer over an element in the application, a hint automatically appears after a short period of time giving information on the function of the element.
Message With certain actions or if insufficient or incorrect information has been entered, the user may receive an appropriate message. Depending on the importance of the message it may appear as a quick message in the toolbar, as a reference directly on the position itself where the information was wrong or incomplete (e.g. when checking mandatory fields), or as a warning in an extra window which is only closed after hitting the OK button.
The nature and extent of the messages or warnings generated can be set for the specific installation.
(Index) Tab The user can move between the various panels in a transaction by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the panel. Tabs are labeled according to the relevant content of the panel.
Icons Icons are located on top of all workspace panels which release other functions important for the transaction. These enable the user to save the transaction, check contents (coordinated with banking and SWIFT regulations) or to interrupt the current process, for example. A detailed description of the various icons can be found in the section on General Function Icons.
Grid (Selection list) Some information has been sorted in tabular form in grids (selection lists). Grids can be found in the Info System as well as under search buttons or as form elements in transaction panels (e.g. in the Settlement Panel). Mouse click to select the information required. It is also possible to sort column contents in ascending or descending order. In many grids Detail buttons can be used to obtain further information on selected rows.
en/app/020cor/010corb/0010gnelemen.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/27 15:49 by mm