
Releasing Pending Items

Transaction SPTREL

This transaction allows selective access to the various modifications and ensures that the modifying user and the releasing user do not have the same user ID.

The user making the entries is permitted to delete his own transactions, provided they are set to Pause or Correction. Auto-registered transactions may only be deleted by a user designated as a Security Administrator.

A display file (DSP file) of the entry panel can be called, in which the modified fields are marked. Thus, the releasing user can retrace what data has been modified. The icon is used to display the pending items. The search results can be narrowed down by changing the parameters in the upper part of the panel.

The available items will then be displayed in tabular form within the lower panel area. Individual pending items can be displayed by clicking the [Details] button next to the relevant entry. A display file will show, highlighting modifications to the static data system.

Additionally, the info transaction can be called for the record in question, in order to display its history.

Commence the release process by double-clicking the relevant list entry. So doing will bring up the following dialog:

As before, click the [Details] button in order to review further information relating to this item:

Clicking [Release] as expected releases the item in question, removing it from the list previously displayed. Note that this happens without showing a confirmation dialog, so you need to be certain of your decision to release a given item.

Transaction Panels


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD

en/app/020cor/010corb/0104eye/0030sptrel.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)