
Copying Contracts

Copying contracts is an effective way of using existing contracts to assist the user in setting up new contracts. Adding a new contract in this manner also means, that data from the existing contract is also transferred.

This option is available in transactions for all business sectors, allowing contracts to be added. It can be executed as long as the field “Reference No.” in the 'Add New' transaction is empty.


A contract to be copied can be selected using the selection transaction specific to the business sector.

From the Info transaction, a selected contract can be transferred to the 'Add New' transaction using the icon .

Copying Data

Basically, we distinguish between

  • data, which can never be copied;
  • data, which can only be copied given certain prerequisites; and
  • data, which can only be copied between transactions for the same customer.

A reference number in an existing contract, for instance, can never be copied into a new contract.

Fields in the new contract which must have content cannot be filled with content from the existing contract. Otherwise the field content of the new contract would be overwritten, when using the existing contract.

If the user has data entered in some fields of the new contract before copying over the old contract, these fields will not be overwritten. Thereby the user has the possibility to use the copy function even after entering data for the new contract.

The copy function provides for the option of determining for each individual customer which data can or cannot be copied from one contract to another. The 'Add New' transaction contains a rule (“ClearContractForCopy”) which can be adapted to meet the individual requirements of the customer.

en/app/020cor/020abw/0040concpy.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)