
Changing Contract Currency

In the application, a transaction is marked as “opened” when the opening date is actually saved in the respective contract. This action blocks the field used to capture the currency in subsequent transactions. In some business sectors, there are transactions that can be processed in advance of the contract-opening transaction, such as pre-advising an Export L/C, for example. In these transactions, the field to capture a currency can be edited as required. These transactions executed in advance can already handle liabilities.

However, it is only possible to change the contract currency if a contract is not marked as “opened”. When currencies are changed, the relevant transaction books out any liabilities found in their original currency and books them in again in their new currency. However, backdating an opening date does not retrospectively update the series of liabilities found. Updating is only possible from the date the liability is booked.

Changing the contract currency at a later date is possible via the business module specific contract maintenance transaction that can be started from the transaction Contract Maintenance. Please refer to CBS Info.

en/app/020cor/020abw/0050chgcur.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/14 13:52 by mm