
Info Message

Transaction INFSMH

This transaction is used to display all available information for a selected SMH record. Thereby, the user has an overview of all incoming or outgoing correspondence under a contract.

Whether incoming or outgoing correspondence is to be displayed can be determined via “Direction”:

  • incoming - only received correspondence will be displayed
  • outgoing - only outgoing correspondence will be displayed
  • internal input - displays internally entered documents

The “Search Panel” is displayed after starting the transaction. After entering the external name of the contract (External Key), Type, Date Range, Creating User, Direction, File Name, Extension (Ext.), Path or SMH INR or leaving the fields empty, the icon has to be clicked. Messages that match the selection criteria or all messages are displayed in the selection list, if the fields have been left empty. A message is selected by clicking on it and a subsequent click on the icon (alternatively a message can be displayed by double-clicking it in the selection list).

Details of the selected message are then displayed on the “Message Header” panel. These details consist of all data that is stored in the database for the selected message.

The selected document is displayed in a new panel after clicking the icon [Display Document]. Clicking the icons [Display Contract], [Display Transaction], [Display Events] or [Display Order] opens the associated contract or transaction in another Info panel. Thus it is easier to retrace possible discrepancies.

The fields of the SMH record are displayed on the homonymous panel.

By checking the checkbox “Partial only”, solely incomplete or partial messages are displayed in the search results. If the checkbox “Active only” is checked, only the active SMH records are displayed, i.e. the records that neither have the release status “Rejected” (N) nor “Picked up” (P) or “Correction” (C).

Transaction Panels

Search Panel


Datafield Description
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.

Message Header


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table SMH field EXTKEY
Creating User cf Appendix A, Table SMH field CREUSR
Timestamp of Creation cf Appendix A, Table SMH field CREDATTIM
Direction ('>'=Outgoing, '<'=Incoming) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DIR
Structure/Syntax of Message (SWT, LET, TLX, TCO) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field CORTYP
Type of Copy cf Appendix A, Table SMH field ORIFLG
Document Path (Relative to Application or Data Root) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DOCPTH
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table SMH field INR
Document Name (File ID) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DOCFIL
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table SMH field OBJTYP
Object INR cf Appendix A, Table SMH field OBJINR
Document Format (RTF, TIF, TXT etc.) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DOCFXT
Type of Transaction cf Appendix A, Table SMH field TRNTYP
Transaction Handling the Document cf Appendix A, Table SMH field TRNINR
Position of Message in Document cf Appendix A, Table SMH field MSGPOS
Length of Message in Document (0=Rest of Document) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field MSGLEN
INR of the 1st of Split/Partial Messages cf Appendix A, Table SMH field GRPINR
Sequence Number of Partial Messages cf Appendix A, Table SMH field GRPSEQ
Counter of Partial Messages cf Appendix A, Table SMH field PARTFLG
PTA Receiving Documents cf Appendix A, Table SMH field PTAINR
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ADR field EXTKEY
Application Form cf Appendix A, Table SMH field APF
Name cf Appendix A, Table ADR field NAM


Message Group

en/app/020cor/020abw/0070infsmh.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/02 19:41 (external edit)