
Selecting pending Queue Entries

Transaction QUESEL

The QUE system makes it possible to provide users with exactly those tasks that - according to the knowledge of the system - can currently be executed interactively. The entries are presented for execution ordered by priority. Assignment of priorities and allocation to users and user groups can be (but does not have to be) performed automatically via Manager for interactive Queue Entries (QUETSK) or manually via Queue Handling (DBMQUE), taking into account individual workloads.

This transaction combines the functions of the Control and Release of Transactions (TRNREL), Diary Selection (DIASEL), Releasing Pending Items (SPTREL) and Selecting Pending Items (SPTSEL) and can be used instead of these transactions.

As a result, all tasks lined up for processing can be handled via a common overview function. It does not need to be searched for via various functions. The use of this transaction requires that the Manager for interactive Queue Entries (QUETSK) runs from time to time to keep the data sets up to date. Only deleted items cannot be processed with this transaction.

Transactions considered 'due for processing' are those that are ready for releases. Blocked entries marked with the 'blocked' flag are not displayed.

Example: A Request of Amendment transaction (e.g. LITRAM) always creates an autoregistration command in the list of pending items for the subsequent transaction (e.g. LITAME). Initially, however, the registration of the amendment transaction is blocked. This block will automatically be removed when the triggering transaction is finally saved (through the Commit service). Only then does the entry become visible in the list of pending items. And only at this point can the subsequent item be processed further in the application.

The type of entries to be displayed can be selected using the icon. By setting a user / user group filter, the entries can be limited to the selected user group. The last configuration used is only valid for the duration of the session. The preferred standard configuration of search settings can be saved permanently as a list of values using the [Save Cfg] button. This setting can be retrieved at any time by clicking the [Reset Cfg] button. The button is used to find the matching entries and display them on the “Menu” panel.

Entries shown on the “Menu” panel can be sorted by clicking the relevant column headers.

The entries are sorted automatically by priority, so that the most important / most urgent entries in the current selection appear at the top of the list. Priorities are assigned via rules in the Manager. In the case of queue entries in which a Service Level Agreement threatens to be violated, the first column is highlighted in 'yellow'. If the Service Level Agreement has been violated, then these entries will be highlighted in 'red'

Clicking the icon will display the details for the selected entry.

An entry is picked up for processing via icon. This launches the relevant transaction.

If several entries are waiting for Control & Release, they can all be selected and processed by clicking one of the icons , , or .

Using the icon, queue entries can be individually assienged to some other user and the level of priority can be changed.

The icon enables pending transactions (e.g. incoming messages) to be forwarded to some other transaction or contract. Assignment to another user / user group is also possible in this regard.

If a task has been completed successfully, the entry will automatically be deleted and removed from the queue (list).

Clicking the icon opens a panel for recording a The Memo Function.

Transaction Panels


Datafield Description
Streamgrid To do List This streamgrid shows the queue entries of the user(s)/ user group(s).

The list of results can be filtered by using the above checkboxes and the 'settings' icon.



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ACK field EXTKEY
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJTYP
Object INR cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJINR
Sub-ID for Object (e.g.SMHINR) cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJSUB
Sending Service cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OUTSRV
Service for Incoming Acknowledgment cf Appendix A, Table ACK field ACKSRV
Class of ACK (in the Object) cf Appendix A, Table ACK field CLA
Status cf Appendix A, Table ACK field STA
Additional NACK Information cf Appendix A, Table ACK field NACSTM

Diary Details Panel


Datafield Description
Transaction to be Called cf Appendix A, Table DIA field FRM
Coded Reason cf Appendix A, Table DIA field COD
Entry Done (Nonspace = Entry Done) cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DONFLG
Diary Date cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table DIA field NAM
Infotext cf Appendix A, Table DIA field INFTXT
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSR
Responsible Group cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSG
Entered by cf Appendix A, Table DIA field USR
Automatic Processing cf Appendix A, Table DIA field AUTFLG
Do not automatically set to Done cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DELNOTFLG

en/app/020cor/020abw/010que/0110quesel.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/02 19:42 (external edit)