
FCP - Foreign Charges Pool

Module FCP


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
SEPINR INR of Associated Temporary Settlement Text 8
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6 CBOTXT
OBJINR Object INR Text 8
MODFLG Modified Text 1
CUR Fee Currency Text 3
AMT Fee Amount Numeric 18
XRFCUR Currency of Converted Amount (usually system currency, optio Text 3
XRFAMT Converted Amount (in converted amount, optional) Numeric 18
DAT1 Date 1 Date 12
DAT2 Date 2 Date 12
PAYROL Role of Party to be Credited Text 3 ROLALL
PAYPTYINR INR of Party Paid Text 8
PAYTXT Foreign Expense Text Payee Text 40 Embedded
DBTROL Role of Party to be Debited Text 3 ROLALL
DBTPTYINR INR of Party Debited with Foreign Fee Text 8
DBTTXT Foreign Expense Text for Payer Text 40 Embedded
ADVTRNINR Transaction Advising the Fee (if Set, Fee has been Advised) Text 8
ADVDAT Date Advised Date 12
SRCTRNINR Transaction Creating Entry Text 8
SRCDAT Date Created Date 12
RPLTRNINR Fee Entry Replaced Text 8
RPLDAT Date Replaced Date 12
DONTRNINR Transaction Settling the Fee (if Set, Fee has been Settled) Text 8
DONDAT Date Done Date 12

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield SEPINR INR of Associated Temporary Settlement

If the pool entry has been advised in a temporary settlement, this field holds the identification number of this temporary settlement. If the field is empty it means that this entry has not yet been advised in a temporary settlement.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

Type of object the FCP entry refers to. This is the table the object is stored in.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR

Identification number of the object within the table, as defined in the Object Type field.

Datafield MODFLG Modified

Flags to identify which of the different relevant fields have been modified.

Datafield CUR Fee Currency

Currency of the fees

Datafield AMT Fee Amount

Amount of the fee

Datafield XRFCUR Currency of Converted Amount (usually system currency, optio

Currency of Converted Amount (Usually system currency)

Datafield XRFAMT Converted Amount (in converted amount, optional)

Converted Amount of the fee to system currency

Datafield DAT1 Date 1

For fee calculations which are based on dates this is the date or the first date for calculations with two dates.

Datafield DAT2 Date 2

For fee calculations which are based on two dates this field holds the second date.

Datafield PAYROL Role of Party to be Credited

The role of party to be credited with the foreign charges. That is, the payee of the foreign charges.

Datafield PAYPTYINR INR of Party Paid

Unique internal ID of the Party Paid to

Datafield PAYTXT Foreign Expense Text Payee

Additional text of Foreign Expense for Payee

Datafield DBTROL Role of Party to be Debited

Role of Party to be Debited for Foreign Charge

Datafield DBTPTYINR INR of Party Debited with Foreign Fee

Unique Internal ID of Party Debited with Foreign Fee

Datafield DBTTXT Foreign Expense Text for Payer

Additional text of Foreign Expense for Payer

Datafield ADVTRNINR Transaction Advising the Fee (if Set, Fee has been Advised)

This field contains the INR of the transaction, in which the fee has been advised.

Datafield ADVDAT Date Advised

This field contains the date, when the fee is advised.

Datafield SRCTRNINR Transaction Creating Entry

The date on which modifications were made.

Datafield SRCDAT Date Created

The date of creation of Foreign charge

Datafield RPLTRNINR Fee Entry Replaced

If set, the fee has been replaced and will not be settled.

Datafield RPLDAT Date Replaced

If Fee is replaced, the date of replacement

Datafield DONTRNINR Transaction Settling the Fee (if Set, Fee has been Settled)

The transaction which is settling the Fee (if set, Fee has been settled)

Datafield DONDAT Date Done

The date the fee was settled.

en/app/020cor/020abw/0130fcp.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)