
TRN - Transaction Record

Module TRN


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
INIDATTIM Timestamp of Entry of Transaction Datetime 15
INIFRM Frame Used to Create the Transaction Text 6 ATPTXT
INIUSR User Creating the Transaction Text 8
ININAM Transaction Name of Storing Transaction Text 40
OWNREF Own Reference Text 16
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6
OBJINR Object INR Text 8
OBJNAM External Readable Object Identification Text 80
SSNINR INR of Session Creating Transaction Text 8
SMHNXT Next Counter for SMH within TRN Numeric 3
USG Responsible Group Text 6 USGTXT
USR Responsible User Text 8
CPLDATTIM Timestamp of Completion Datetime 15
INFDSP Display Infotext Text 1 INFDSP
INFTXT Infotext Block 65
RELFLG Release Status Text 1 RELSTA
COMFLG Committed ('C' if Committed) Text 1 Embedded
COMDAT Date of Commit Date 12
CORTRNINR INR of Preceding TRN Text 8
XREFLG Status of Recalculation Text 1 Embedded
XRECURBLK Currencies Handled by Transaction Block 3
RELCUR Currency of Relevant Amount for Release Text 3 CURTXT
RELAMT Relevant Amount for Release Numeric 18
RELORICUR Currency of Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency Text 3
RELORIAMT Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency Numeric 18
RELREQ Required Signatures Text 10
RELRES Applied Signatures Text 10
CNFFLG Flag, if External Confirmation Necessary Text 1 TRNCNF
EVTTXT Events Stream 80
RPRUSR Sent for Repair to Text 8 <fixed-length>
ORDINR INR of Triggering Order Text 8
EXEDAT Execution Date Date 12
PDXDAT Execution Date for Service PDX Date 12
PRCMOD Entry Mode Text 1 Embedded
RELUSR Sent for Release to Text 8 <fixed-length>
RELUSG Release To Group Text 6 USGTXT
CLSDONFLG Flag for transaction which closed the contract. Text 1 Embedded
EMBSTA Compliance status Text 1 Embedded
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields. Text 120

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield INIDATTIM Timestamp of Entry of Transaction

Date and time when this transaction was stored in the system.

Datafield INIFRM Frame Used to Create the Transaction

Frame Used to Create the Transaction

Datafield INIUSR User Creating the Transaction

User who created the contract of the selected transaction

Datafield ININAM Transaction Name of Storing Transaction

Full name of the transaction selected

Datafield OWNREF Own Reference

This field contains the reference number of the Transaction Control Record.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

Type of contract the TRN entry refers to. This is the table the contract is stored in.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR

Unique ID of the object within the table, defined in the Object Type field.

Datafield OBJNAM External Readable Object Identification

This field identifies the pending entry in a way that is readable to the user.

Datafield SSNINR INR of Session Creating Transaction

This field holds the ID of the session creating a transaction.

Datafield SMHNXT Next Counter for SMH within TRN

This field holds the next counter to be used should there be multiple SMHs per transaction.

Datafield USG Responsible Group

User group responsible for picking up the entry.

Datafield USR Responsible User

User responsible for picking up the entry.

Datafield CPLDATTIM Timestamp of Completion

Date and time when this transaction was completed.

Datafield INFDSP Display Infotext

Flag to indicate whether the contents of an infotext should be displayed when using the contract. If content is blank the automatic display is switched off.

Datafield INFTXT Infotext

This field is used to store any relevant information about this object.This information is displayed to the user during daily processing, if the display info flag is activated.

Datafield RELFLG Release Status

The RELFLG describes the signature status of the transaction.

Entered ('E'): Temporary status of transaction during creation of transaction. Transaction is incomplete and cannot be used in this status. Status remains 'entered' only if saving of a transaction fails for technical reasons.

Waiting ('W'): Waiting for release, i.e. not all requested signatures are yet applied.

Released ('R'): The count of requested signatures and applied? signatures are identical. This status is set by either the business transaction (if autosigned or no signature required) or by releasing the transaction when the last missing signature is applied.

Final ('F'): The transaction was released, has passed the workflow and? can no longer be rolled back.

Correct ('C'): The transaction is sent to correction.

Rejected ('N'): The transaction is deleted.

Picked Up ('P'): this status is set when the pending transaction is picked up and the new transaction saved or paused.

External ('X'): The transaction waits for external confirmation.

Closed ('M'): This status is exlusively set by the housekeeping transaction which cleans up historic data.

Datafield COMFLG Committed ('C' if Committed)

Only if the External Confirmation Flag field contains a 'C', will the transaction have a permanent effect on the relevant contract. Otherwise the transaction was either rolled back ('D') or its final status is not yet determined (' ').

Only if this flag is set to 'C', will the service pass to other transactions that depend on this transaction.

Code Text
C Committed
D Deleted

Datafield COMDAT Date of Commit

Holds the date when the transaction was committed.

Datafield CORTRNINR INR of Preceding TRN

If the transaction was initially loaded from a corrected or deleted transaction, the ID of that transaction is stored here.

Datafield XREFLG Status of Recalculation

This shows the current status of the recalculation for the transaction. It is empty if no recalculation is needed (i.e. because transaction does not lead to a settlement).

1: waiting for current rates, SRVPDX cannot be executed now 2: SRVPDX created XRE-SPT, transaction is waiting for recalculation by SPTTSK/TRN 3: Recalculation successful E: Error occurred

Code Text
not needed
1 waiting for new rates
2 waiting for recalc
3 recalc done
e error
T waiting for recalc of predecessor

Datafield XRECURBLK Currencies Handled by Transaction

The field shows the block of currencies handled by the transaction.

Datafield RELCUR Currency of Relevant Amount for Release

This field contains the currency for the amount to be released.

Datafield RELAMT Relevant Amount for Release

This field contains the maximum amount the user is allowed to release transactions.

Datafield RELORICUR Currency of Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency

Currency of Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency

Datafield RELORIAMT Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency

Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency

Datafield RELREQ Required Signatures

Required Signatures This field is set upon transaction creation and holds a list of up to 10 signatures that are required to sign the transaction. Each character represends one required signature. If multisignature is activated for a transaction in ETP, the list of required signatures is determined based on the transactions relevant amount matching the signature matrix from SIH

Datafield RELRES Applied Signatures

Applied Signatures If a required signature has been applied, the same character as in RELREQ is inserted at the same position as in RELREQ. If RELREQ = RELRES the transaction is determined as being fully signed

e.g. If RELREQ = “ ABC” and RELRES = “A C” the signatures with level A and C have been applied and the signature with Level B has not yet been given.

Datafield CNFFLG Flag, if External Confirmation Necessary

Flag to determine if external confirmation is necessary or not

Datafield EVTTXT Events

The originally passed textual description of the event. This Text concatenated with the filename of the Logfile will be stored in the Event.

Datafield RPRUSR Sent for Repair to

This field holds the ID of the user this transaction was sent to for repair.

Datafield ORDINR INR of Triggering Order

Empty if the transaction was not triggered by an ORD.

Datafield EXEDAT Execution Date

If the Execution Date has been set, the transaction will not be processed before this date.

Datafield PDXDAT Execution Date for Service PDX

If the execution date is set, the service recalculation won't be processed before this date.

Datafield PRCMOD Entry Mode

This field shows whether a transaction was generated either automatically by a batch process, or interactively by the user.

Code Text
I Interactive Entry
B Batch Generation
P Reevaluation of Interactive Entry
X Reevaluation of Batch Generation
W WebService generation
Y Reevaluation of WebService

Datafield RELUSR Sent for Release to

This field holds the user ID of the user this transaction was sent for release to.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield RELUSG Release To Group

Release of the transaction shall be excecuted in the designated group.

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.

Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield CLSDONFLG Flag for transaction which closed the contract.

Flag for closing the contract

Datafield EMBSTA Compliance status

1 = WFE EMB was created, waiting for MGRTSK sending XML file 2 = WFE EMB is done, waiting for Smaragd TCM reply from QA interface (received in MQITSK/SWITSK) A = Ack received from TCM N = Nack received from TCM

Code Text
1 Waiting for EMB send
2 Waiting for EMB reply
A Accepted
N Denied
en/app/020cor/020abw/0170trn.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/29 12:07 (external edit)