
WFE - Workflow Entry

Module WFE


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
WFSINR INR of Workflow Subject Text 8
WFSSUB ID within WFS Text 6
SRV Service Text 6 SRVTXT
STA Status Text 1 Embedded
RTYCNT Retry Count Numeric 6
TARDATTIM Target Time for Completion Datetime 15
SSNINR INR of Session of Last Update Text 8
DATTIM Timestamp of Last Update Datetime 17
TXT Textual Event Description Text 80
MANFLG Flag Indicating Whether 'STA'tus was Changed Manually Text 1 YESNO
OPNDUR Total Time in Status 'O'pen (in Seconds) Numeric 10
WAIDUR Total time in status 'W'aiting (in Seconds) Numeric 10
RETDUR Total time in status 'R'etry (in Seconds) Numeric 10
HDLDUR Total processing time (in Milliseconds) Numeric 10

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield WFSINR INR of Workflow Subject

This is the unique ID of the Workflow Subject for this entry.

Datafield WFSSUB ID within WFS

This identifies the service to be executed and the subtype within the service.

Datafield SRV Service

This identifies the service to be executed.

Datafield STA Status

Open - Service not yet ready to be performed (due to SRO restrictions)

Waiting - Waiting for service to be performed (not waiting for SRO predecessors)

Active - Service for this entry is currently running (Set only for special services like SRVPDX)

Done - Service successfully performed

Retry - Service tried but not succeeded yet. Retry later

Error - Service failed

Skip - Skip service due to 'C'ancel of other service

Cancel - Workflow was canceled because this service failed

Code Text
D Done
W Waiting
O Open
E Error
R Retry
C Cancel
S Skip
A Active

Datafield RTYCNT Retry Count

Counter that holds the number of unsuccessfull attempts to execute the service. A value of 0 indicates that a service was either not attempted or had no errors.

Datafield TARDATTIM Target Time for Completion

Target date and time on which the service is to be completed.

Datafield SSNINR INR of Session of Last Update

This is the unique ID of the session which ran the last update of the Workflow entry.

Datafield DATTIM Timestamp of Last Update

This is the date and time a service last ran an update of the workflow entry.

Datafield TXT Textual Event Description

The text of the result text returned when the service was last run. This might be either an error message or a completion message. Following a clean up, this text is copied to the transaction event textblock.

Datafield MANFLG Flag Indicating Whether 'STA'tus was Changed Manually

This flag is set when the status of this record was modified manually (e.g. using 'Repairing Transactions / Editing Workflows').

Datafield OPNDUR Total Time in Status 'O'pen (in Seconds)

Total time (in seconds) the status level for this entry was 'O'pen

Datafield WAIDUR Total time in status 'W'aiting (in Seconds)

Total time (in seconds) the status level for this entry was 'W'aiting

Datafield RETDUR Total time in status 'R'etry (in Seconds)

Total time (in seconds) the status level for this entry was 'R'etry

Datafield HDLDUR Total processing time (in Milliseconds)

Total time (in milliseconds) that this entry remained in the service's 'DoHandle' status.

en/app/020cor/020abw/020wfl/0420wfe.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/14 14:03 (external edit)