
General Functions

Incoming Messages

The panel CONINF\CONTAG (“Incoming Tag 72/79”) holds the data from tags 72 and 79 of the incoming message. If an incoming message, which contains information in these tags (and provided, that the message tags have been mapped with this field) is loaded, this panel becomes visible and the data is displayed in the “Current Content of Incoming Tag 72” or “Current Content of Incoming Tag 79” fields. When the transaction is stored, the relevant information is saved in the “History” fields “Historic Content of Incoming Tag 72” or “Historic Content of Incoming Tag 79”. The most recent data are displayed at the top of the fields.

Outgoing Messages

Creating Messages

Split Messages

If a message exceeds the maximum length for this message type, the message is split into partial messages (details on this topic can be found in the Developer Documentation under “Incoming and Outgoing Processing”).

en/app/020cor/030message/0010msgbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)