
SWIFT Integration

The interface to SWIFT applications represents an important feature in working with the application. The system is capable of creating outgoing SWIFT messages as well as receiving incoming SWIFT messages to and from a bank's SWIFT application (MERVA or Alliance, for example). The authentication takes place in the bank's SWIFT application. Several services enable the maintenance of SWIFT messages (incoming and outgoing).

Note: The options concerning the SWIFT messages mentioned below are available via the “Message Details Panel” (accessible via the “Messages” panel by clicking the icon).

Outgoing Messages

SWIFT messages can be used in business transactions in order to communicate with other banks. A pre-condition is that the relevant receiver bank and their BIC code has been entered in the Maintaining Parties transaction and that the authentication for that bank is set to “Authenticated” (all SWIFT messages enabled in the application) or “Connected” (in the absence of an authenticator key, only MT999 messages are possible).

The priority of a SWIFT message can be selected via the homonymous option. By default, the priority “Normal” is selected.

The Index of Outgoing Messages links to a list of all possible outgoing messages per business sector, including the outgoing Payment Messages.

The bank has the possibility to agree on bilateral codewords with its correspondent banks. These can be defined by the bank in an ini-file called 'SWTGetAdditionalCodes.ini' for specific message types and field tags without having to exchange a patch.

Outgoing SWIFT messages are prepared for sending when the related transaction has been released. The export process for sending is handled by the Task Manager.

Acknowledgments are received for all SWIFT messages sent. The handling of General Information is described separately.

Incoming Messages

Incoming messages are accepted by the Manager for Incoming Messages from the directory/queue of incoming messages and are automatically registered and processed in the To Do list under “Incoming messages”. This channeling or routing of incoming SWIFT messages can be defined. Received acknowledgments will be routed automatically in accordance with system settings.

Transition of SWIFT payment messages from MT to MX

SWIFT MT payment messages have been used for decades for global bilateral clearing of payments. However, payments have changed significantly due to technological developments, regulatory requirements changing consumer demands and diverting to ISO20022 payments in several markets.

Therefore, SWIFT introduces the transition to ISO20022 based payment and reporting messages that are using XML instead of the tagged MT format.

Introduction on banks side is possible during a three-year transition period, starting on 20. March 2023 and ending in November 2025. As of the latter date, MT payments will not be handled any more in the global SWIFT live network and only SWIFT MX CBPR+ payments must be used.

en/app/020cor/030message/0050swift.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/21 17:35 by dm