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Swift MX

Every Swift MX message is in XML format. The message itself consists always of two blocks.

Business Application Header (BAH) is the first block

  • The Business Application Header (BAH) is a mandatory component of any MX message.
  • It enables appplication routing rules and logic without having read the business content of the message.
  • Character Set: UnicodeChartsCode.

The BAH contains information about

  • “FROM: The sender in element <FROM> and must contain a Financial Institution Identification, usually a BIC
  • “TO”: The receiver in element <TO> and must contain a Financial Institution Identification, usually a BIC
  • “Business Service” When message names are identitical but they have to be validated against different rules and XML-schemes, additionally “BusinessService” is required. CBPR+ example: Message: pacs.009.001.08 must uses one of the following services
    • swift.cbprplus.01 (Serial interbank payment)
    • swift.cbprplus.cov.01 (only cover for a customer credit transfer)
  • “Creation date” is mandatory, too

References to the business can optionally been added to allow an efficient routing on receiver's side.

<Document> is the second block

The “document” hold all business information of the message. It will not be described here as each message has it's own structure for the content. Further details can be found in the related “Message User Handbooks”, which are available directly from Swift.

For CBPR+ details can be found on the Swift CBPR+ landing page.

How is a message created

Swift MX messages don't use the service for MT messages, but have their own service SRVSXO This service creates the MX messages and validates them just technically against the related XSD-schema before this message is finally created.

For those users who have access to the developer documentation can find further information about creating the messages in chapter “DOM in TD”.

en/app/020cor/030message/0053swift-mx.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/02 10:13 by bagyaraj