
SWIFT MX CBPR+ payments

All banks that use the application to create SWIFT MT payment messages are required to update their installations to be able to use SWIFT MX CBPR+ version.

Introduction on banks side is possible anytime during a three-year transition period, starting on 20 March 2023 and ending in November 2025. The banks are flexible as of when during the transition period they want to switch to CBPR+ payment messages. Banks can start using CBPR+ message as of 20 March 2023 or they can wait until the end of the transition period in November 2025 or can adopt the CBPR+ messaging function in between. Failing to update will lead to not being able to send electronic payment messages through the SWIFT as of November 2025.

How to activate CBPR+ payment message

The CBPR+ functionality is activated via a central activation parameter in transaction Maintaining System Configuration on panel 'Swift Release'. By setting the SWIFT CBPR+ Activation date, the bank can activate the functionality as of the entered date on panel “SWIFT Releases”.

Affected CBPR+ messages as of March 2023

The Swift MX CBPR+ solution applies only to the previous payment and payment related messages in Swift FIN MT Format. Therefore, the application supports the messages that were already supported by the application as MT payment messages, which are in detail

FIN MT message MX ISO 20022
103 CORE pacs.008.001.08 v2.1
202 / 202COV pacs.009.001.08 (CORE) v2.1
pacs.009.001.08COV v2.1
camt.056.001.08 v2.1
camt.029.001.08 v2.1
(in a first phase only as reply to a received camt.056)

Detailed information about CBPR+ specific handling and when the payment messages are generated is available in SESPAY Payment Module.

SWIFT XML Outgoing service

Outgoing CBPR+ messages are prepared for sending when the related transaction has been released. Once “Swift XML” (SXO) is activated in Task Manager, the export process for sending the outgoing SWIFT XML messages is handled.

Configuration of the service “SWIFT XML” (SXO) can be done on the respective configuration panel, such as the path, where the created XML-files are stored or bank individual information that has to be added in the outgoing messages.

The current service “SWIFT Send” (SWT) for SWIFT MT messages will not be changed. Both can coexist and be used.

Message Envelope

SWIFT XML messages are typically wrapped in a so called envelope structure. This application currently supports three types of envelopes

  1. Generic Envelope
  2. SWIFT XMLv2
  3. Custom Envelope

The envelope format can be configured on the “SWIFT XML” panel in Task Manager.

Generic Envelope

This generic envelope format wraps the generic header and message into the XML element <envelope>


Message header and message body are wrapped in a XMLv2 envelope as specified by SWIFT. When selected, additional configuration options are available to allow overriding of certain data from message creation.

Custom Envelope

In case an individually customizable envelope format is needed. Custom envelope format needs development in customer overlay.

Incoming SWIFT XML messages and Incoming service

Incoming CBPR+ XML messages are handled in the transaction Manager for Incoming Messages in service SWIFT XML (SRVSXI). This must be enabled to receive SWIFT XML messages.

Incoming CBPR+ messages which are currently supported are pacs.008, pacs.009, camt.056, camt.029 and technical acknowledgement messages.

  • incoming pacs.008 messages are routed to transaction Settling a Clean Payment (similar to incoming MT103 in case the bank is receiving those messages in the application)
  • incoming pacs.009 messages are routed to transaction Routing of Pending Items (similar to incoming MT202)
  • technical ACK/NAK acknowledgement/transmission messages are not mapped to any contract, but received only to register the ACK/NAK status of the contract
  • incoming camt.056 and camt.029 messages are routed to Routing of Pending Items and can be attached via xxxATT to any related contract

Swift XML MULTIFORMAT messages

In addition, each bank which not connected to the Swift MX CBPR+ service, might receive Swift XML MULTIFORMAT messages. These are MX XML messages originally created and sent in MT format. Within the payment flow, a bank in the payment chain or Swift's network Transaction Manager tool itself translates or, better, converts this message into a CBPR+ message. As messages cannot be converted 1:1 from MT to MX, the original MT messages are embedded to indicate the original information.

Handling in this application:

  • Multiformat messages are technically normal XML messages. They can be attached to a contract, for documentation purposes only.
  • Incoming payment messages (MT and MX) are handled outside this application.


  • An incoming 'multi-format' request for a cancellation would be routed to a 'common message' transaction (xxTFRE).
  • The message is always readable in pure XML.
  • No pretty print is generated.

Changes in Ini-Files

The ‘ini’ section of the application contains an additional configuration files that define how a tag should be named in the pretty print of an electronic message if different from the technical xml-element name. For CBPR+, this information is stored in file sxotxt.ini.

Additional information is available under Types of Correspondence /Channels.

Character Set - "escaped characters"

CBPR+ allows with the XML format some additional characters even though they are mainly related to the SWIFT character set X, but there are exceptions for “escaped characters”, like “&”, or “>” or “<”.

These characters are shown in a PrettyPrint correctly but in the XML file they are “escaped”.

These additional characters are only allowed in a few fields of a CBPR+ message, e.g. purpose of the remittance or name and address.

Coexistence period of MT and MX messages until November 2025

Message Conversion by SWIFT

The SWIFT system itsel convert messages to the format (MT or MX) that is understood by the receiver of the message.

For example: If the sending bank is sends SWIFT XML messages, but the receiving bank is still working with SWIFT MT messages, SWIFT will convert into a so called “multi-format message”. This is in Swift XML format, but it contains the original text of the MT message. The Swift gateway used should have the ability to extract this content and create an incoming MT message and forward it to this application.

Autoconversion in DOKA-NG

The authentication settings in the party static data decide which correspondence type is used in the application for message sending.

For receiver of type “Bank” that have an associated BIC code, the authentication setting can be “authenticated”, “connected” or “not connected”.

  • If the BIC is “authenticated”, the related MT or MX message is sent, depending of the setting in Maintaining System Configuration. Medium is either SWIFT or SWIFT XML.
  • If the BIC is “connected”, the MT payment message is converted into a MT999 message. Message medium is SWIFT. If CBPR+ is activated in Maintaining System Configuration, then there is NO equivalent MX message yet. Such a message will be added by SWIFT in one of next SWIFT releases only. For the interim period, DOKA-NG converts such messages into a letter that contains the same fields as the associated MX payment panel.
  • If the BIC is “not connected”, the MT payment message is converted into a letter that contains the fields of the MT payment panel. Message medium is Letter. If CBPR+ is activated in Maintaining System Configuration, the MX payment message is converted into a letter that contains the same fields as the associated MX payment panel. Message medium is letter.

Empty tags not allowed

Empty tags are not allowed in CBPR+ messages. SWIFT network will reject any messages with an empty tag.

FAQ Business Decisions of this application

  • pacs.008 exchange rate

Information per element / field / tag and/or message

Message Element (path) Field name Field in Application Question Answer
CBPR+_pacs.008 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/XchgRate Exchange Rate Buying Rate
Selling Rate
Why does the exchange rate not always match the rate
mentioned as “Buying Rate” or “Selling Rate”?
This is possible only, if two currencies are involved.
For cross currency conversion see more info below.
CBPR+_pacs.008 How to handle more than two currencies / cross currency remittances? If more than two currencies involved or charges have been added/deducted, the instructed amount calculated with the exchange rate, will not equal the settlement amount.
../CdtTrfTxInf/XchgRate Exchange Rate NA Why is exchange rate not used / shown in pacs.009 ? pacs.009 interbank messages have to be used only as “settlment instruction”.
They include only the final amount of payment = settled amount.
The pacs.009 are designed to “just remit/settle” an instructed amount.

Additional information like exhange rates shall not be given here but in the advice message (either pacs.008 or or by other means) .
en/app/020cor/030message/0055cbpr.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/11 13:50 by dm