
Bolero Integration


Bolero is an independent service provider that facilitates the secure and paperless exchange of information in global foreign trade between seller, buyer, logistics companies and their banks, and thus provides major advancements in the business supply chain.

The Bolero functionality in the application includes:

  • Receiving, displaying, processing, generating, and forwarding Bolero messages
  • Enabling Bolero as means of transport for message types supported by Bolero
  • Processing 'Title Registry Instructions'

These functions are integrated into the business transaction model of the application and support its “Workflow” and “Control & Release” functions.

Bolero user and key management and a direct interface to the Bolero network have not been implemented yet. Usually, this is a task of an external Bolero interface. The application passes Bolero messages to the external Bolero interface via a standard interface.

Integrated Functionality


An RID (with extension) can be stored for addresses stored in the database of the application. The party/address model supports Bolero's RID/extension structure.

The integrated subsystem for handling structured messages supports the “Bolero” format. This allows Bolero messages, documents, BBLs (Bolero Bills of Lading) and references to be accessed and stored.

The generic document viewer recognizes Bolero XML documents and messages and presents them in a “Pretty Print” format. Files provided by Bolero are used for elements containing codes. This enables a name to be displayed in addition to the code in the Pretty Print. Such files are stored in the ini\bolero_codes directory.

Incoming Messages

Incoming Bolero messages are received from an external Bolero interface. The application can access these messages from a special incoming directory. Here, messages are processed using the SRVBOI service of the Manager for Incoming Messages. Afterwards, they are available as SPT. Unlike SWIFT messages, the mapping of Bolero tags in transaction fields cannot be defined using SWM. Instead, this is defined in rules.

If the Sender RID contains an extension, this extension is taken over in the PTCOE Organization unit field (PTCOE) of the relevant address. If a contact type 'PRN' exists for a party in the incoming Bolero message in the party element, it is taken over in the contact field (PTCNAM). The relevant data will then be available in the business transaction on the details panel of the parties involved.

Bolero messages with attachments (*.pdf, *.doc etc.) are also supported. However, the Bolero service in Manager for Incoming Messages needs to be configured to receive attachments. Therefore, the Bolero message, the FMSG received by the Bolero network and the attachments have to be available in the incoming directory.

Outgoing Messages

In a business transaction of the application, Bolero can be selected as means of communication for supported message formats. In this case, an RID is defaulted from the address of the relevant party, or it can be entered manually. If there is no relevant Bolero message format available for a specific message, the Bolero channel is not available for this message.

If there is no Bolero message format for a given message, the Bolero channel will not be available for this message. Also, because the 'Total Debit Amount' tag cannot be filled in correctly in Bolero messages when there is more than one currency for the recipient in the Settlement panel, the Bolero channel will again not be available in such a case. This also means that any copy of the message intended for another recipient cannot be created as a Bolero message.

Whenever an outgoing Bolero message is required, a workflow entry is created for the outgoing Bolero service. As soon as this service can be processed in the workflow, the Task Manager executes the outgoing Bolero service for that transaction and creates the outgoing Bolero message in XML format in an arbitrary output directory. As an option, a relevant Envelope file (SMSG) can be generated for each Bolero message created. The Bolero message and the optional Envelope file can be passed to the external Bolero interface via a standard interface. If attachments are sent together with the Bolero message, attachment details are automatically stored in the optional FMSG/SMSG.

If the fields Organization unit (PTCOE) and / or contact (PTCNAM) are filled in the Party Details panel for a party to the business transaction, the date will be taken over into the outgoing Bolero message. In the process, PTCOE us added as an extension to Bolero, and PTCNAM is used as a contact element of type 'PRN' in the party element.

Supported Bolero Messages

en/app/020cor/030message/0070bolovw.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/10 14:17 by mm