
Bolero Terminal


Bolero enables the exchange of messages between Bolero members (participants). The actual technical communication and exchange of keys only takes place between Bolero and a participant. When exchanging messages, Participant A sends a message to Participant B by sending the signed message through the Bolero hub. Bolero verifies the authenticity of the message, renders its own signature (thus confirming the authenticity of the origingal sender) and sends the message to Participant B.

The Bolero Terminal administers the exchange of Bolero messages between a participant and Bolero. The messages are encoded in S/MIME format, as defined in the “Bolero Protocol Specification”, signed and sent as an attachment in an Email message.

Thereby, the Bolero Terminal fulfills the following functions:

  • saves the certificates required
  • fragments the Email (incoming)
  • decodes messages from Bolero (incoming
  • verifies the Bolero signature (incoming)
  • generates and sends acknowledgments (UACK)
  • signs (outgoing)
  • encodes content (outoging)
  • generates the Email in accordance with RFC 2045 (S/MIME als Attachment)
  • manages and allocates messages (SMSG/FMSG) and status reports (BACK, BNAK, DNOT, FNOT and EVNT)

Key are allocated and exchanged via the Bolero web-interface. Keys and certificates are exported by hand from the system that operates the web interface and imported in to the Bolero Terminal System.

Prerequisites for Participants

  • The participant has to supply Bolero with an Email address for each RID.
  • The participant's Email system has to be set up is such a way that an Email appears in the transport format (as specified in RFC 822 or RFC 2045 to RFC 2049) in the Bolero Terminal incoming directory.
  • An RFC 822-coded message has to be capable of being transfered from the Bolero Terminal to the participant's Email system in such a way that permits the message to be routed to recipient's Bolero Email address (e.g. by launching “sendmail”, storing in an appropriately specified directory or other proprietary interfaces).

Technical Description of the Procedure (from a Bank's (Participant's) Perspective

The Bolero Terminal is installed as a part of the application (in much the same way as TradeConnect) and is integrated in the application.

Bolero Terminal functions are integrated as modules in the appropriate transactions.

Procedure for incoming messages (from Bolero to the application)

Bolero CMPSends Email to the recipient's Email address
Participant's Email SystemDeposits Email in the specified directory (data/bolemlin)
Bolero TerminalFragments Email, decodes it and verifies signature
Bolero TerminalAnalyzes FMSG and saves business messages and attachments
Bolero TerminalAnalyzes business messages and adds SMH and SPT (pending item)
Bolero TerminalGenerates UACK
Bolero TerminalGenerates an Email (encoded and signed) from the UACK
Bolero TerminalTransfer the Email to the participant's Email system
Participant's Email SystemSends Email
Bolero CMPReceives UACK

Procedure for outgoing messages (from the application to Bolero)

ApplicationGenerates business message (e.g. “Bolero Undertaking Notification” (423) from the issuing bank to the applicant)
UserIssues release(s) (TRNREL)
ApplicationBackground Manager (MGRTSK) rolls on the Workflow and triggers the dispatch service (SRVBOL)
Application(SRVBOL) service generates SMSG
Bolero TerminalSMSG, messages and any attachments are signed, encoded and converted in to an Email with an S/MIME attachment
Bolero TerminalTransports the Email to the participant's Email system
Participant's Email SystemSends the Email
Bolero CMPReceives the message
Bolero CMPSends a “Bolero Acknowledgement” (BACK) back
Participant's Email SystemDeposits the Email with the BACK in the specified directory (data/bolemlin)
Bolero TerminalFragments Email, decodes it and verifies the signature, and adds the delivery status (sent) to the original message
Bolero CMPSends “Delivery Notification” (DNOT) once the recipient has confirmed receipt (using UACK)
Participant's Email SystemDeposits Email with the DNOT in the specified directory (data/bolemlin)
Bolero TerminalFragments Email, decodes it and verifies the signature, and adds the delivery status (sent) to the original message

en/app/020cor/030message/0080bolterm.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)