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RIVO is a Surecomp product, which is handling Trade Finance business for corporates and banks. DOKA-NG contains a RIVO interface which is creating and exchanging messages with RIVO.

Once the interface is configured for a party, DOKA-NG will create one RIVO message per business transaction whenever this party gets any message. This RIVO message is created in addition to the existing messages. Any standard message which should be sent to this party is converted into PDF and sent as RIVO attachment also to RIVO.

Messages coming from RIVO are handled similar to any other channel. In addition, DOKA-NG sends status messages to RIVO whenever an incoming message is passing a processing step in DOKA-NG.

Configuration of the interface

To activate the RIVO interface the following configuration needs to be done:

a) enter the RIVO version number in Maintaining System Configuration

b) enter the RIVO entity key in Maintaining Entities

c) enter the RIVO key and authenticator for every connected party in Maintaining Parties

d) activate incoming RIVO messages in Manager for Incoming Messages

e) activate outgoing RIVO messages in Task Manager

Uploading contract data to RIVO

In case an existing party should start to use RIVO, it is necessary to upload its existing contract data to RIVO before the product can be used. This can be done with Export Data for allNETT or RIVO.

en/app/020cor/030message/0120rivo.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/07 15:39 by mk