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ISO 20022

This page gives a short and general overview about ISO 20022.

ISO 20022 General Information


  • ISO 20022 is a standards development methodology.
  • ISO 20022 organizes financial message definitions according to business domains that are well-recognized functional domains in the industry.
  • The ISO 20022 catalogue includes over 2,300 messages, covering payments, securities, foreign exchange, cards and trade services.
  • The business model of ISO 20022 is a commonly and globally agreed standard for financial messages.
  • ISO 20022 is a neutral definition and has to be understood as just a theoretical base on which other real business standards are built.


  • The general ISO 20022 standard is defined without respect to regional, local or legal and juristical requirement or to any currency.
  • Consequently, it is essential that each clearing system must have its own rulebooks and specifications.
    Only with them the messages can be used.
  • ISO 20022 acts only a theoretical base on which other standards are built.

Good to know

  • Pure ISO 20022 itself is a standard, which is never supported in communication networks!
  • Every network using this standard defines it's own subset and might add also, own new proprietary data requirements.
  • Advantage of the ISO 20022 is that all messages can have an identical data base definition.


  • Fields for a city name will always have the same length and the same character set.
  • Countries will only be identified by a ISO country code instead of free text or proprietary codes.

ISO 20022 will become the future of financial messages

  • SWIFT is introducing for payment and reporting messages the ISO 20022 based messages until November 2025 and will terminate their current MT payment and reporting messages.
  • Other countries and regions are already doing the same or are planning to migrate their payment and clearing systems in the near future.

Some clearing systems are described below.

ISO 20022 in DOKA-NG

Outgoing Payments

This application supports ISO 20022 selected outgoing payments according to the definitions and rules of below mentioned clearing systems and channels. 

Incoming Payments

Incoming payments (ISO 20022 or other formats) are not part of the application. 
Preferably in a specialized and dedicated payment application. 
In this application incoming payments might only be implemented as a proprietary solution. 

Reporting and Investigation

Reporting and investigation messages are handled differently in each clearing system. 
If implemented, then according to the definitions and rules of the respective clearing system. 

ISO 20022 Clearing Channels in this application

The following clearing channels have adopted ISO 20022 based payment messages and modified them according to their individual requirements.

SWIFT Correspondent Banking CBPR+

Cross-border Payments and Reporting Plus (CBPR+) is the usage guideline that defines how ISO 20022 will be used for correspondent banking on the SWIFT network. It is a collection of usage guidelines that include messages from the payment, clearing and settlement (pacs) and cash management (camt) areas. These messages will replace their equivalents in SWIFT MT Category 1, 2 and 9 sets of messages.

The usage guidelines are publicly available on Swift MyStandards and include downloadable XML Schema, PDF and Excel specifications per each message.

Supported system(s) FINPlus MX for CBPR+ messages
Region Global
Currency Multi-currency
Currency Code see ISO 4217
Clearing System Correspondent Banking in FINPlus
Operator SWIFT
Type of Payments supported Customer Credit Transfers
Interbank Credit Transfers (Core, Cover, Advise)
Request for Cancellation
Cancellation Request related replies
Governing Body SWIFT
used in this application are published by
Supported messages
in this application
SESPAY Payment Module
Specifics CBPR_specifics
Not support beyond others Cash Management messages except those explicitly stated as supported
Status messages
Direct Debits
Instant Payment Credit Transfers
Customer-to-Bank and Bank-to-Customer messages
Good to know Other messages of the CBPR+ complex will be added later.

More information about SWIFT Integration and about SWIFT MX CBPR+ payments.

European Union: T2 RTGS

TARGET2 is the real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system owned and operated by the Eurosystem. Central banks and commercial banks can submit payment orders in EURO to TARGET2, where they are processed and settled in central bank money, i.e. money held in an account with a central bank.

Supported system(s) T2 RTGS
Region European Union
Currency Euro
Currency Code EUR
Clearing System RTGS in within European Central Bank's Target2 services portfolio
Operator Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, Banca d'Italia and Banca de España (4CBs)
on behalf of European Central Bank - ECB
Type of Payments supported T2 RTGS Interbank Customer Credit Transfers
T2 RTGS Interbank Credit Transfers
Governing Body European Central Bank
used in this application are published by
Supported messages
in this application
SESPAY Payment Module
Not support beyond others RTGS Cash Management messages except those explicitly stated as supported
RTGS Status messages
RTGS Direct Debits
RTGS Instant Payment Credit Transfers

European Union: SEPA

Since 2008, payments in the European Union have been processed based on the framework conditions of ISO 20022 due to the introduction of the Single European Payments Area (SEPA).

Supported system(s) SEPA Single European Payments
Region European Union
Currency Euro
Currency Code EUR
Clearing System SCL (SEPA Clearer)
in the RPS (Retail Payment Systems) of German Bundesbank
Operator Deutsche Bundesbank
Type of Payments SCL Credit Transfers
SCL Core Direct Debits
SCL B2B Direct Debits
Governing Body European Payments Council
used in this application are published by
Deutsche Bundesbank
Supported messages
in this application
SESPAY Payment Module
Not support beyond others Cash Management messages
Status messages
Instant Payment Credit Transfers
Customer-to-Bank and Bank-to-Customer messages

Switzerland: euroSIC and SIC

Supported system(s) euroSIC
Region Switzerland
Currency Euro
Currency Code EUR
Clearing System euroSIC in Swiss Interbank Clearing
Operator SIX Interbank Clearing
on behalf of Swiss National Bank
Type of Payments Customer Credit Transfers
Interbank Credit Transfers
Governing Body Swiss National Bank
used in this application are published by
SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (SIC Ltd)
Supported messages
in this application
SESPAY Payment Module
Not support beyond others Cash Management messages
Status messages
Direct Debits
Instant Payment Credit Transfers
Customer-to-Bank and Bank-to-Customer messages
Supported system(s) SIC
Region Switzerland
Currency Swiss Franc
Currency Code CHF
Clearing System SIC in Swiss Interbank Clearing
Operator SIX Interbank Clearing
on behalf of Swiss National Bank
Type of Payments Customer Credit Transfers
Interbank Credit Transfers
Governing Body Swiss National Bank
used in this application are published by
SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (SIC Ltd)
Supported messages
in this application
SESPAY Payment Module
Not support beyond others Cash Management messages
Status messages
Direct Debits
Instant Payment Credit Transfers
Customer-to-Bank and Bank-to-Customer messages

Not yet supported clearing systems with ISO 20022

Several countries will or have adopted the ISO 20022 methodology and redefined it for the domestic payments.

They are currently not supported.

Among these are the following clearing systems:

Supported system(s) Fedwire / TCH
Region United States of America
Currency US Dollar
Currency Code USD
Supported system(s) CHIPS Remittance only
Region United States of America
Currency US Dollar
Currency Code USD
Supported system(s) CHAPS
Region United Kingdom
Currency British Pound
Currency Code GBP
en/app/020cor/030message/0300iso20022.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/05 14:34 by jo