
Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO

Business Sector MT Name of Message Transactions
Import Collection N31 Advice of Collection BCTDAV
N33 Advice of Amendment BCTAME, BCTROP
N15 Shipping Guarantee - Advice of Guarantee BCTROG
Import L/C 770 LC Application LITOPN
772 Request for Amendment LITAME, LITROP in case LC is closed
N15 Shipping Guarantee - Advice of Guarantee LITROG
N96 Payment BRTPAY
Export L/C 775 Approval of Amendment LETAME, LETROP, LETATT in case of amendment acceptance
N61 LC Registration LETRSV
N62 Advice of Sight Documents LETDRV
N63 Advice of Time Documents LETDRV
Transferable L/C 781 Transfer Application LTTOPN
777 Transfer Amendment LTTAME
Guarantee 761 Guarantee Application GITPOP, GITOPN
763 Request for Amendment GITAME, GITROP
712 Post Guarantee Claim GITCRQ
N12 Advice of Amendment GITAME, GITROP, GITATT in case of amendment acceptance
Advance N41 Request of Loan BPTOPN
N43 Request of Amendment BPTAME
N45 Request of Payment BPTSET
Loan N41 Request of Loan TRTOPN
N43 Request of Amendment TRTAME
N45 Request of Payment TRTSET
Clean Payment N64 Payment Order CPTSET
N76 Outgoing Clean Payment CPTSET
Others N95 Miscellaneous XXTFRE and based on [code_misc_type_<BUSSEC>] configuration in antmap.ini to numerous business transactions
N97 Deal Message XXTATT
en/app/020cor/030message/0400incrivo.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/28 19:46 by bp