
Contract Data Sheet

The Contract Data Sheets is an overview of the current status of the contract and can be generated from the Info System for the relevant business sector after a contract has been selected.

The data sheet can be either displayed in the Panel “Print” or printed out using the icon .

The Contract Data Sheet is structured in the same way for all business sectors. First of all, data relating to the specific business sector is prepared and displayed. In tabular form, the following information is prepared and displayed:

  • Parties,
  • Transactions,
  • Contract balances,
  • Contract postings,
  • Fee pool,
  • Documents,
  • Diary events,
  • Open transactions,
  • Liabilities, and
  • Cash cover


The table provides the following information on the parties

  • the roles,
  • the party ID,
  • the address block, and
  • the reference


The table provides the following information on the transaction

  • the names,
  • the date created,
  • the status,
  • the relevant amount in the system currency, and
  • the signatures already given

Contract Balances

The table provides the following information on the contract balance

  • the type,
  • the start date,
  • the end date,
  • the balance, and
  • the counter-value

Contract Accounting Entries

The table provides the following information on contract accounting entries

  • the type of entry,
  • the entry date,
  • the amount entered in the accounting currency,
  • the release status,
  • the date created, and
  • the creating object

Fee Pool

The table provides the following information on the fee entry

  • the description,
  • the payer and payment arrangements,
  • the amount in the settlement currency,
  • date created,
  • the name of the initiating transaction, and
  • the status of the initiating transaction


The table provides the following information on the document

  • the type,
  • the role of the receiver and the title,
  • the date created, and
  • the direction (incoming / outgoing)

Diary Events

The table provides the following information on the diary event

  • the liability,
  • the event,
  • the title,
  • the followup transaction,
  • the user,
  • the user group, and
  • the status

Open Transactions

The table provides the following information on the open transaction

  • the code,
  • the name,
  • the date created,
  • the status,
  • the user, and
  • the Info


The table provides the following information on the liability

  • the type,
  • the role of the party,
  • the liability,
  • the amount in the contract currency,
  • the account, and
  • the contra account

Cash Cover

The relevant contract amount, the amount already covered and, when available, the reserved amount are displayed in the contract currency above the table.

The table provides the following information on the cash cover

  • the ID,
  • the amount in the contract currency,
  • the amount covered in the contract currency
  • the account, and
  • the contra account
en/app/020cor/040rpt/0010gncds.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)