
Report Generator for Contracts

Each business sector contains a transaction used to produce a report based on the contracts within a business sector.

The following data, where available, is used in the report:

  • Contract data in the business sector and additional sectors that might be related to the current business sector such as subsectors, Loan, Advances or Transfers
  • Contract balances
  • Parties
  • Diary Events
  • Transactions
  • Messages
  • Fee pool

Transaction Panels


The field “Title”, as you would expect, contains the title of the report. This title is shown in the title bar of the browser window, for example. In PDF files this element is used as header of every page.

Clicking the icon produces the report. This report is based on the “List of Fields included in Report” and the corresponding general settings. The formatting of each field can be defined for every field in the “Formatting codes” from the “Details of the Selected Field” subpanel.

The “Report Setting” panel is displayed by clicking .

The icon ends the Report Generator.

The list box “Available Modules to be used in Report” contains all modules that can be used for reports in the selected business sector.

The list box “Available Fields of selected Module to be used in Report” contains all those fields available for the modules chosen in the list box “Available Modules to be Used in Report”. Basically, these fields have been divided into “Key and Reference Fields”, “Balances”, “Ordinary Data Fields” and “INR Fields”. Data in a field is sorted in ascending order to make it easier to find and select data. Clicking the [+ Field] button transfers the field highlighted to the “List of Fields included in Report”.

The “List of Fields included in Report” table displays all the fields contained therein. Fields that are used in a condition or where formatting options are set are marked blue. The sequence in which these fields are presented from top to bottom corresponds to the sequence of fields in the report, from left to right. To re-position a field, a line has to be highlighted in the table and the button [Up] has to be clicked to move the field upwards (and in the report to the left). The button [Down] has to be clicked to move the field in the table downwards (and in the report to the right). The table contains the following columns:

Column Description
S Sequence or order number of the entries in the “List of Fields included in Report”.
Instance The name of the instance in accordance with the module selected from the “Available Modules to be used in Reports” list box
Field Name The name of the field from the list box “Available Fields of selected Module in Report”.
Sorting (Sort) Defines the type of sorting for this field in the report via a selection list. Up to five levels of sorting can be defined.
Column Heading Text displayed in the column heading. The text can be defined freely.
Formatting The internal codes of the formatting that have been defined under [Details] can be seen here.

By clicking the button [+ Cond.] a new condition is created for the currently selected field. Furthermore, the “Conditions” panel together with the subpanel for editing this condition is displayed.

A click of the button [Details] displays the subpanel “Details of the Selected Field” for the selected field in the table.

Clicking the [Delete] button removes the selected line from the table. This also removes any settings made for this line in the “Details” subpanel.

In field “Name of Report Definition” the file name of the generated report is displayed.

Details of the Selected Field

This subpanel shows further information relevant to a field selected in the table “List of Fields included in the Report”. Here, it is also possible to change settings for the field and to format the field.

The “Instance of Field” displays the name of the fields instance for the selected line.

“Field Name” is also a display field and show the name of the field for the line selected.

The “Invisible Field” checkbox can be marked, if a field is, for example, only required for sorting purposes, but it is not to be displayed in the report.

The checkbox “Use Join to Get Multiple Entries” has to be checked when all associated data to a contract is to be listed in a report. Otherwise, the report would just list the first entry in a table. If all diary entries in contract are to be listed in a report, for example, this checkbox needs to be checked in at least one of the fields from the instance 'DIA'.

The checkbox “Sorting” is used to determine the hierarchy that is used sort the fields in the selected report.

The combobox “No Sum/Number below Level” is used to prevent the adding of the amount columns below the specified level.

The combobox “No Repetition on and below” is used to prevent displaying repetitive column contents in every successive column.

Via “Output of Sum” the sum of amounts (e.g. for a specific party) can be displayed.

If “Output of Number” is used, the number of records is displayed in a separate line for the selected level together with the '#' symbol.

“Include Value in Header” is marked, if the value of the selected field has to be displayed in the header of the respective group.

“Include Value in Footer” is marked, if the value of the selected field has to be displayed in the footer of the respective group.

In the field “Fixed text”, a footer prefix can defined which is included in the output of the footer of the respective level.

The combobox “Decode using a Codetable” enables the user to display the longtext of an abbreviation in the report. Example: A currency (e.g. 'USD') has to be converted to longtext. In doing so, the option 'External' has to be selected for an external codetable. The codetable to be used is selected under combobox “Using Codetable”, in this case 'CURTXT'. In the report the currencies will then be displayed as longtext ('US Dollar' instead of 'USD'). When using decoding based on a codetable which has no system global decoding, the decoding for the current user defined codetable is used and not the decoding of a probably processed different entitygroup.

“Concatenate with next Field” is used to concatenate the contents of a field with the contents of the next field. This makes sense with amounts and currencies. In case other delimiters are to be used instead of the default delimiters, 'Other Delimiter' has to be selected in the combobox. In that case the field “Delimiter” is enabled, where the new delimiter to be used can be entered.

“Column width for PDF/XML” makes it possible to enter a set column width. If this has been set, the unit of measure (Character, Percent, Millimeter, Points) can be selected in a combobox.

Formatting codes

In order to visually prepare the printout and / or display a number of formatting options are available.

Usually these options are maintained on the “Details Panel” for a field. To create a better overview these formatting options are displayed in the List of Fields in the internal coding which is as follows:

Formatting Description
bx Links the current column with the following column, separating them with a space (s), comma (c) or with a new line (r) and presents the content in the column of the field selected. It is possible to apply this formatting across several columns in a row, for example, to display four columns in a single column.
cx Display of the total number in the footer of the sorting level defined by x of all lines in the sorting level.
dxxxxxx Provides the long text version of the code stored in the field. If the long text version cannot be displayed, the content of the field is displayed in the column.
e Disables the output of this column in the details line. The content of this column can nevertheless still be displayed in the header and/or footer.
ex Disables the output of this column when the previous entry for the same column had the same value. This only applies to columns on the same sorting level.
fx Also displays the column in the footer. x defines the sorting level.
hx Also displays the column in the header. x defines the sorting level.
i This field is for internal use only (e.g. to limit/restrict a selection) and cannot be listed in a header, a footer or in the detail entry of a report.
n Defines the column as numeric. Numeric columns have right alignment .
nax.y Defines the column as an amount. When formatting the column in connection with a currency, the column can also be defined via x.y which contains the currency. x describes the instance and y the field name. As standard, the content of the previous column is assumed to be a currency. Entering na~ formats the amount in line with the system currency.
rx Limits additions and/or counting to the first records in each case, up to the sorting level entered. This means, for example, that amounts over 1:n dealings are not output repeatedly.
Example of the use of rx:
A report is to be generated listing the Own Reference, the Applicant, the Currency, the Amount, the Equivalent Amount and the Transactions processed in a Guarantee.
Sorting is to follow the sequence: Applicant, Own Reference and Transaction.
In order to indicate the total sum of the equivalent amount, entries in this column have to be added together. But since several transactions can be processed per guarantee, simply adding together all these entries would mean that some entries have been included more than once. Entering r2 prevents multiple additions.
A note on formatting for this specific example:
With fields from the Guarantee, the Currency and the Amounts formatting codes e and h2, or only e2, should be used. Similarly, with fields from the Applicant formatting codes e and h1, or only e1, should be used. This avoids the multiple inclusion of identical entries and makes things more easily readable.
sx Displays the total amount in the footer of the sorting level defined by x of all lines in the sorting level. When displaying totals, make sure that the currency is output in the previous column so that the totals can be formatted correctly.
tx Defines the column as a date. The optional x defines the format of the date. As standard, the short form is used (i.e. 2-digit day, 2-digit month, 2-digit year). Options include s (the short form) and l (the long form) as well as an entry for the formatting character, such as DD.MMMMM.YYYYY, in line with the function FmtDate(). This form should only be used if absolutely necessary, as it can have a negative impact on performance.
nt The formatting code for date and time within fields (n = numerical; t = Time)
ntl The formatting code for date and time within fields (n = numerical; t = Time; l = long [hh:mm:ss])
wx The formatting code for the width of a column. The X can represent the following values:
x = Number of characters instead of number out of the database resp. out of the codetable
x = Number + relative width in %
x = Absolute width of the column (in mm or cm)


A style of presentation can be defined for each level.

Settings can be made for each level indicating whether it should be output or suppressed. This allows the same report to be used with more or with fewer details without having to redefine it.

Pre-configured styles can be taken from the TradeDesign style table. Furthermore formatting options are available by manually customizing the individual layout elements that are normally set automatically in a given style.

A style or user-defined layout can make use of one or more of the following options:

  • Font
  • Font size (in points
  • Foreground color (in RGB notation)
  • Background color (in RGB notation)
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline

The “Leading Infotext for Report” field allows descriptive texts to be entered that contain the content and and purpose of the report from a user's perspective.

Configure Input Panel

The “Configuration input Panel” allows fieldnames to be defined for the intended input fields. Input fields defined by a name are then shown under this name on the “Inputfields” panel. Details can be entered in these fields whenever the report is run.

To access additional dates that are automatically calculated based on the value entered, this field can be used to define a space delimited list of calculation rules. Each calculation rule consists of an optional anchor and a sequence of calculation groups. The anchor is defined by the prefix '<' followed by a period flag. A calculation group is compiled by having a leading calculation sign '+' or '-' followed by a single digit number defining the number of periods, and a period flag ('D'ay, 'W'eek, 'M'onth, 'Q'uarter, 'H'alf year, 'Y'ear) defining the period to be used in calculation.

To access the beginning of the specified month and the beginning of the the previous month, the following rule might be used: '<M <M-1M'.


Appropriate entries can be made in the pre-configured input fields on the “Inputfields” panel. These input values are used in the defined reports as criteria for conditions or for declaring register fields.


Clicking the button [+ Cond.] creates a condition for the field currently selected. In addition, the “Conditions” panel is displayed together with the subpanel for editing this condition. The subpanel can also be displayed by clicking [Details] button on the “Conditions” panel.

The existing conditions for a report are listed in table form on the main panel. The buttons [Up] and [Down] can be used modify the sequence of the order, whereas the [Delete] button can be used to remove a condition.

Specifying a date in the “Default Amounts per” field takes account of all balances until that date, provided that fields of this field group are included in the report.

Note: Saving the report definition also saves the difference between current date and the date entered. When the report definition is opened once again, this difference is re-calculated. Should the difference be 0 or a negative number, the date is reset based on this difference and is entered in the field “Default Amounts per”. Should the difference be a positive number or more than 7 days, the date stored is entered in the field “Default Amounts per”.

The combobox “Contract Open per” defines whether all Contracts should be included ('<no check>'). If the option 'Default Amounts per' is selected, only those contracts are included in reports which

  • were opened on or before the date entered in the field “Default Amounts per”, and
  • were closed after the date entered in the field “Default Amounts per”, or
  • are not closed.

The conditions are defined via the subpanel. Depending on the selected condition type, it is possible to define various conditions for selected fields. The SQL expression for a condition is displayed in field “Description” respectively. If 'Directly executable SQL' is selected, an SQL condition can be entered directly in field “SQL Expression”. To use a party selection the INR of the party must be added in the field list. This field will automatically be set to invisible.

If the checkbox “Identify Field in Description by Instance.Fieldname instead of Column Heading” is checked, a field is identified by the internal name 'Instance:Fieldname' instead of by the column header.

If the “Only show the panel with input fields when executed” checkbox is checked, when a report is executed only the panel with the input fields and output options is visible. Other panels in which the report definition can at least be seen, if not changed, remain invisible for the user.

Details of the Selected Conditions

When an entry is selected from the list of available conditions and the button [Details] is clicked subsequently, the panel “Details of selected Condition” is displayed. The combobox “Connect to previous Conditions” can be used to link the selected condition with the preceding condition in the list. In doing so, the operators 'AND' and 'AND (' can be selected.

Both are used for the multiple selection of parameters:


AND ---> if for example a=1 AND b=2

AND ( ---> if for example a=1 AND (b=2 OR c=3)

A condition can be inverted via the checkbox “Invert Condition”.

If the checkbox “Editable in Job” is checked, the condition can be modified in the Job System.

The fields for which the conditions are to be linked are defined by the “Type of Condition” and are connected via the “Type of Comparison”. Depending on the type of comparison, several different parameters can be defined on the panel.

The resulting condition is displayed in field “Description”.

Used Tables, Connections and Final SQL

The button [Show SQL] displays the information that is used to create an SQL query in a separate popup panel. However, these information do not represent executable code. It is merely information about the structure of the SQL query.

Report Setting

See under Report Setting.

Search Sequence for Directories

Especially in the Client/Server sector, the search sequence and the automated creation of target directories on local PCs are important (e.g. for downloading a report). If a target directory does not exist, the user will be asked, if it should be created.

The temporary directories are checked automatically and a temporary folder will be created, if necessary.

The search sequence is:

C:\TEMP -> C:\TMP -> (local)TEMP -> (local)TMP

Open from XML Spreadsheet Files

To enable generated XML spreadsheet files to be opened directly by the respective PC, the file extension XML should be linked to the related program.

en/app/020cor/040rpt/0020rptgen.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/15 16:07 by bagyaraj