
Report Generator All Sectors

Transaction CCRGEN

This transaction is used to create cross-business sector reports of the complete documentary foreign trade of a bank or organization.

Based on the cross-sector contract table “CCI - Common Contract Information” it is possible to create common contract reports with the report generator. Besides all parties of all contracts it is also possible to create reports of the volume of trade, the received liability, the calculated fees and charges and the number of transactions. Furthermore, reports for specific message channels or foreign charges can also be created. In case specific additional fields like regional codes, types of customers, or department codes have been implemented for a bank, reports can also be created for these fields, if the installation-specific additional fields have been added to the CCI table.

The created report can either be output in HTML or PDF format. In order to display also in-depth details, it is also possible to output the data as CSV file via a spreadsheet.

General information about reports can be found in “Report Generator for Contracts”.

Transaction Panels

en/app/020cor/040rpt/0030ccrgen.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/18 07:42 by mm