
Transactions Statistics

Transaction CORPOS

This transaction is used to create short statistics of the executed transactions in the application over a defined period. Transactions can be subdivided into transactions sent for correction, rejected transactions and currently pending transactions.

The field “Release Status” (RELSTA) is used as the basis for determining the status of the transaction.

  • Processed transactions have the status 'Released'.
  • Transactions sent for correction have the status 'Correct'.
  • Rejected transactions have the status 'Rejected'.
  • Pending transactions and transactions with a newly introduced status are displayed with the status 'Pending/Other'

The output format is selected via the homonymous option. The following output formats are available:

  • HTM
  • PDF
  • CSV
  • XML

The specific settings for the output (name, storage location, print options, output format, optional infotext) can be defined on the panel “Report Setting”.

The selection of the transaction for the statistics is defined via the following fields:

  • “Begin - End Date” - The begin date and the end date for the selected transaction have to be entered (to narrow the period).
  • “Transaction” - Selection of the transaction to be listed in the statistics
  • “Generic Own Reference” - A reference of the user can be entered optionally.
  • “Level of Details” - The level of details for the transaction to be displayed can be entered here
  • “Selection of User” - The user or the user group can be selected here

After the fields mentioned above have been defined the statistics can be created and shown via the icon or created and printed via .

In order to have the statistics file stored locally on the PC click on the icon . The system suggests the “Temp” directory of the local hard disk by default as storage location.

Further information about reports and report settings can be found under “Report Generator for Contracts”.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Selecting the entity In this field a selection can be made of the entity region for which
processing is to be carried out.
Depending on the selection made, the appropriate
entity (group) is displayed and/or selected.
Entity group Here, the entity group is displayed for
which processing is to be carried out.
Entity Here, the entity group is displayed for
processing is to be carried out.
Setting Report Output Format Selecting an entry from the list
sets the report output format.

en/app/020cor/040rpt/0050corpos.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 15:47 (external edit)