
Report Key Figure Pool

Transaction KFPGEN

This report generator is used to evaluate the data in the key figures pool. In DOKA-NG, with the Key Figure Pool an instrument is provided that allows data saved to the DOKA-NG transaction database to be evaluated very fast and efficiently. In the report generator, specially defined key data can be configured and prepared to meet individual needs. This allows a high degree of flexibility in defining specialist concepts, such as turnover, revenue, items, or interest for example.

Key figure pool helps eliminate repetitive definition of same logic, better understands the banking terminologies, extracts and converts transaction data from transaction database into Key Figure Pool report data base. The Key Figure Pool data can then be used to create different view onto the same data. The Key Figure Pool data can easily be accessed using the report generator. This simplifies significantly the compiling of both periodic and ad hoc reports.

Example: The fee, commission or interest earned data can be used to display the individual turnover, total turnover, total income or just show the interest earnings.

The use of key figure pool consists of three partial steps:

Generation of the report database

Basically the data extraction from transaction database. Since the DOKA-NG database is primarily created to support 24×7 operation and as reports are better if based on stable data for at least a certain period and not subject to constant changes, within the scope of the Key Figure Pool there is a transaction that is executed periodically and extends the content of the Key Figure Pool to include transactions or data changes that have meanwhile occurred. Example: Limit or risk updated periodically based on the number of contracts created.

Description of the desired report

Using the normal report generator functions, the evaluations can then be described in the Key Figure Pool. In doing so, reference can be made to the data processed and prepared in the Key Figure Pool for the evaluation. Example: Timelines captured can be used to evaluate SLA time, waiting time or total duration etc.

Generate report

The reports are generally executed via the normal job control feature available in DOKA-NG, which generates the necessary reports periodically at pre-set intervals and makes them available.

The key figures pool consists of three tables containing the current business data in processed form. The tables are made available via a “Reorganization of Key Figure Pool” (REOKFP).

The tables used in the key figures pool are “KFP - Key Figure Pool Additional Contract Data” (KFPCCI), “KFP - Transaction Data” (KFPTRN) and “KFP - Transaction Interest Earnings” (KFPTIE).

Further information about reports and report settings can be found under “Report Generator for Contracts”.

Transaction Panels

Access Definition


Datafield Description
Setting Report Output Format Selecting an entry from the list
sets the report output format.
Selecting the entity In this field a selection can be made of the entity region for which
processing is to be carried out.
Depending on the selection made, the appropriate
entity (group) is displayed and/or selected.
Entity group Here, the entity group is displayed for
which processing is to be carried out.
Entity Here, the entity group is displayed for
processing is to be carried out.

en/app/020cor/040rpt/0080kfpgen.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/05 09:40 by mk