
KFP - Transaction Interest Earnings



Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
OBJTYP Object Type of Contract Text 6
OBJINR Object INR of Contract Text 8
TRNINR INR of the TRN record Text 8
FEPINR INR of Originating FEP Entry Text 8
FEECOD Fee Code Text 6
FSTDAT First day = beginning of calculation (excl.) Date 12
LSTDAT Last day = end date (incl.) Date 12
INTAMT Amount of pool fees (SYSISO) Numeric 18
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type of Contract

Type of object the pending entry refers to. Usually this is the table the object is associated to.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR of Contract

INR of the object within the table, defined in OBJTYP. If there is no existing object this field might be empty.

Datafield TRNINR INR of the TRN record

INR of the related TRN record

Datafield FEPINR INR of Originating FEP Entry

INR to uniquely identify a database entry.

Datafield FEECOD Fee Code

Code of the fee used to create this entry.

Datafield FSTDAT First day = beginning of calculation (excl.)

For date-based fee calculations, this is the conclusive date If there are 2 dates for the calculation, then this date will be the first of the two.

Datafield LSTDAT Last day = end date (incl.)

For fees with a date-based calculation, this date will be the second date.

N.B.: this date contains the end date and not that of the following day.

Datafield INTAMT Amount of pool fees (SYSISO)

This field contains the amount of the pool fees in the system currency.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

en/app/020cor/040rpt/0410kfptie.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)