
SESPAY Payment Module

This module generates the payment messages and enables the additionally required information for payment messages to be entered.

  • Depending on the payment message, the user is able to record additional intermediate parties by loading the names of parties from the address database or by temporarily recording them for the transaction to be finalized.
  • Below the address information on the parties, a field is available for entry of the account number. In these fields, either an account number or an IBAN can be entered.
    • The IBAN (International Banking Account Number) is a standardized notation for bank account numbers to simplify the automation of international payments within the clearing clearing systems. The exact structure and length of the IBAN number is country-specific, but each IBAN begins with the double-digit ISO country code and a double-digit checksum. This is followed by a maximum of 30 digits for the account identification, which may consist of letters and/or numbers. One element of the account identification is the clearing code.
    • When selecting, for whom the entry of an account is also possible, a search for suitable parties can be triggered by entering a (partial) IBAN by clicking the icon. The selection is made via the country identification and the clearing code of the party derived from the IBAN. The application verifies the length and checksum of the IBAN for correctness.

Payment Messages

The required Payment Messages for the respective Clearing System will be created automatically, depending on what payment type (“Disposition” code in table 3 of the SETMOD Settlement panel) was selected.

Message Name Addressee Message ID Swift MT
(Until November 2025)
Swift Score Swift MX
(As of 20. March 2023 coexistence with Swift MT)
(As of 20. March 2023)
(Until 19.March 2023)
Settlement Payer or Beneficiary CMNSET1 n90, n91 781 (Guarantees)
793 (Letters of Credit with direct account debit)
794 Letters of Credit with request for payment)
T66, 786(BE), 785(BR)* 786(DTA), 785(DTE) 484(LI), 494(LE), 497(GI)
A message will only be created, if no other message with settlement details addressed to the relevant party was generated yet.

According to the SWIFT documentation, the scope of the SWIFT MT n90 is to inform that an amount is debited/credited to the receiver's account.
Accordingly, the SWIFT MT n90 is generated in the application only when the disposition of charges is set to X = 'settle now' and a direct account relationship exists (DispoCodes DAC or DAD).

According to the SWIFT documentation, the scope of the SWIFT MT n91 is to request payment of charges.
Accordingly, the SWIFT MTn91 is generated in the application only when the disposition of charges is set to X = 'settle now' and cover is requested via DispoCodes PAC or PAD.

Please note:
When the disposition of charges in the settlement panel is set to V = 'Advise now', these charges are conveyed to the receiver into a SWIFT MT n99 (or letter equivalent). A SWIFT MT n90, 91 is not possible, as not all settlement fields are available (e.g. Amount and Value Date of tag 32).
Settlement Payer or Beneficiary CMNSET2
A message will only be created, if no other message with settlement details addressed to the relevant party was generated yet. The message will be created as a letter, if the settlement indicates more than one currency, since electronic messages do not allow several currencies.
Payment Payee SETSUM1 1-message method for serial payment flow to the settling correspondent bank:




2-messages method for the advice (SETSUM1) message
(with a settlement message to the correspondent bank (SETSUM3):

103 (with 202COV)

202 (with 202)

400 (with 202)

756 (with 202)
1-messages method for serial payment flow, sent directly to the settling correspondent.



2-messages method for the advice message (SETSUM1)
“(with a settlement message to the correspondent bank (SETSUM3)”:

CBPR+_pacs.008 “(with CBPR+_pacs.009COV)”

CBPR+_pacs.009ADV “(with CBPR+pacs.009CORE)”
Important: Each message to T2 RTGS will be booked in T2. Therefore, the 2-message method is disabled.

Only 1-message method to the direct T2 RTGS participant bank allowed.


Important: Each message to Target2 will be booked in Target2.
Therefore, the 2-messages method is disabled.

Only 1-message method to the direct T2 RTGS participant bank allowed.


Important: Each message to the SEPA Clearer (SCL) will be booked.
Therefore, only 1-message method for SEPA payments is settled at the SEPA Clearer (SCL) of Deutsche Bundesbank:

pacs.008 Customer Credit Transfer

pacs.003CORE Customer Direct Debit
Important: Each message to SIC or to euroSIC will be booked.

Therefore, only 1-message method for SIC and euroSIC payments is allowed.

pacs.008 (A11) Customer Credit Transfer

pacs.009 (B11) Interbank Credit Transfer
Selecting a disposition code controls which payment messages are possible. A payment message can be created for each line in the settlement grid.

PAC with “Swift MT” creates an advice message (2-payment-messages method), being MT103 or MT202 or MT400 or MT756.
PAC with 'SWIFT CBPR+ activated' generates an advice message CBPR+_pacs.008 or CBPR+pacs.009ADV or MT400 or MT756.

TGC for 'Target2' generates MT103 and/or MT202.
TGC for 'T2 RTGS' generates pacs.008 and/or pacs.009CORE.


An MT756 or MT400 is generated only if the receiver of the message is a bank.
Payment Account Servicing Party SETSUM3 Only in case of 2-messsages method:

202COV “(cover payment for an adviced MT103)“

202 ”(cover payment for an adviced MT202)”
Only in case of 2-messsages method:

CBPR+_pacs.009COV “(cover payment for an adviced CBPR+_pacs.008)”

CBPR+_pacs.009CORE “(cover payment for an adviced CBPR+_pacs.009ADV)”
For T2 RTGS, the 2-messages method is not allowed.

Settlement will always be booked with the SETSUM1 message.
For Target2, the 2-messages method is not allowed.

Settlement will always be booked with the SETSUM1 message.
A cover message is generated, if in the “Settlement Details” panel of the payment 'Indirect payment (2 messages)' was selected.

An MT202COV message will only be generated in connection with a related MT103.
An MT202 as advice message will only be generated in connection with a related MT202.

An MX CBPR+_pacs.009COV will only be generated in connection with a related CBPR+_pacs.008.
An MX CBPR+_pacs.009ADV will only be generated in connection with a related CBPR+_pacs.009CORE.

* In the DTA format if this has been appropriately configured in the application

When are Messages Generated?

The following messages are generated when payments (i.e. credits) are made by third-party banks (i.e. where the disposition code is 'PAC' or 'TGC').

Swift MT Swift MX T2 RTGS Usage Explanation
Disposition code
Disposition code
Disposition code
Original 'scope' from SWIFT and Target2 RTGS specifications
MT 103
CBPR+_pacs.008 only
This message type is sent by, or on behalf of, the financial institution of the ordering customer, either directly or through a correspondent/correspondents, to the financial institution of the beneficiary customer.
It is used to issue funds transfer instructions in which the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer, or both, are non-financial institutions from the sender's perspective.
This message may only be used for clean payment instructions. It cannot be used to advise the remitting bank of a payment for a clean check collection, for example, nor to provide the cover for a transaction whose completion was adviced separately, for example, via an MT 400.
This message is sent if payments are made on behalf of or to customers (that are not banks), such as clean payments (CPTSET) or payments to agents, or fee refunds.
This is automatically generated when 'Direct Payment (1 message)' is selected in the '“Direct Payment”' combobox on the Settlement Details panel and is sent to the party servicing the account used in the settlement.
For T2 RTGS only '“Direct Payment (1 message)”' is allowed in combination with rtgs_pacs.008.
103 + 202 COV CBPR+_pacs.008 with
n.a. Swift:
These messages are generated as above, but this time when the 'Indirect Payment (2 messages)' option is selected in the 'Direct Payment combobox on the Settlement Details panel.
The MT 103 is sent to the beneficiary's institute and considered as an advice of payment only and the related MT 202COV to the party servicing the account used in the settlement.

A combination of RTGS_pacs.008 and RTGS_pacs.009COV is not supported by DOKA-NG. Sending both messages would cause a double booking in the T2 RTGS clearing system.
only MT 202 CBPR+_pacs.009CORE only
This message is sent by or on behalf of the ordering institution directly, or through correspondent(s), to the financial institution of the beneficiary institution.

It is used to order the movement of funds to the beneficiary institution.

This message may also be sent to a financial institution servicing multiple accounts for the Sender to transfer funds between these accounts.
In addition it can be sent to a financial institution to debit an account of the Sender serviced by the Receiver and to credit an account, owned by the Sender at an institution specified in field 57a.

This message must not be used to order the movement of funds related to an underlying customer credit transfer that was sent with the cover method (due to compliance reasons). For these payments the Swift MT 202 COV or Swift (MT 205 COV - not in DOKA-NG) or T2 RTGS_pacs.009COV must be used.
Is sent automatically as the MT 103 / rtgs_pacs.008 above, with the exception that the beneficiary must be a bank (used for refunding fees to a bank, for example).
MT 202 +
MT 202 (as cover message)
CBPR+_pacs.009ADV with
As MT 103 + 202 above, with the exception that the beneficiary is a bank (used for refunding fees to a bank, for example).
MT 400


MT 400 with cover message MT 202


MT 400 with cover message
MT 400
(+ RTGS_pacs.009CORE as cover message)
This message type is sent by the collecting bank to the remitting bank.

It may also be sent:
- on behalf of the collecting bank by its branch/affiliate bank to the remitting bank or branch/affiliate of that bank
- by a collecting bank to another collecting bank
It is used to advise a payment under a collection or a part thereof and may also be used for the settlement of proceeds. The account relationship between the Sender and the Receiver is used, unless expressly stated otherwise in the message.

This message must never be sent to a bank acting solely as a reimbursement bank. In this case, the appropriate message type is an MT 202 Financial Institution Transfer.
Used for document settlements for collections (BCTPAY/BCTSUS)

The MT 400 is sent to the beneficiary's institute, the MT 202 (or CBPR+/RTGS_pacs.009CORE) to the party servicing the account used in the settlement.
MT 756


MT 756 with cover message MT 202
MT 756


MT 756 with cover message CBPR+_pacs.009CORE
MT 756
(+ RTGS_pacs.009CORE as cover message)
This message is sent by the paying, accepting or negotiating bank, or the bank incurring a deferred payment undertaking, to the issuing bank. It may also be sent by the bank to which documents have been presented to a bank that has been nominated to pay/accept.
It is used to advise the Receiver that documents were presented in accordance with the credit terms and are being forwarded as instructed.

The MT 756 may also be used:
- for the settlement of the payment/negotiation
- as a pre-notification of a reimbursement claim from the claiming bank to the issuing bank
- as a pre-debit notification from the claiming bank to the issuing bank.

Note: Where a pre-debit notification from the reimbursing bank to the issuing bank is required, banks should use the MT 799 Free Format message, specifying the future date of debit.
Used for document settlements for L/Cs (BETPAY, BETSET, BRTPAY, BRTSUS)

The MT 756 is sent to the beneficiary's institute, the MT 202 (or CBPR+/RTGS_pacs.009CORE) to the party servicing the account used in the settlement.

Accounts for Dispositiontypes

A precondition for the respective disposition code and the associated clearing path are the necessary booking accounts.

  • NO (Nostro accounts) or LO (Loro accounts or current accounts) for correspondent banking payments.
  • BD (Target2 RTGS clearing account) for RTGS payments in the Euro-System or via the European Central Bank or national central banks.

Swift MT Payments

Two-messages cover settlement method

As far as the content of the messages is concerned, messages are related as below

Tag content of the MT103 Tag content of the MT202 COV Explanation
Receiver :58a:
:50: :50: The bank using the application
:53a: Receiver Servicing party of the nostro account
:54a: :56a:
:55a: :57a:
:57a: ./.
:59: Beneficiary
  • Similar to MT 202/400/756 + 202, in Tag :53: is always the sender's correspondent bank as recipient of the MT 202.

Target2 / RTGS

Difference to Swift MT:

  • Different to Swift MT with Target2 / T2 RTGS only the “serial/ one message” method is allowed.
  • Reason: Each message being sent through Target2 RTGS, will be booked by the Target2 RTGS clearing system.

T2 RTGS participants

  • The T2 RTGS directory only contains banks that can be reached via the T2 RTGS system.
  • It can be accessed via Info T2 RTGS directory .
  • If a T2 RTGS credit transfer is to be sent to a financial institution, its “T2 RTGS Agent” must be entered as “Receiving Bank (RTGS Addressee BIC)” and it's “T2 RTGS Account Holder (RTGS Account BIC)” must be entered in the static data of the institution T2_RTGS_IDs

CBPR+ specifics

Message complexity

The currently usable CBPR+ payment messages support at least all mandatory fields. This was ensured through XSD checks and through Swift's CBPR+ Readiness Portal.

Some newly introduced elements, such as the very detailed address, were not implemented. They wont be needed in traditional trade finance business as usually the business relationship is already established via existing accounts and thus these details are not needed for compliance checks either.

Settlement Methods in CBPR+

Mentioning the Settlement Method is mandatory in CBPR+ messages as it specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction between the instructing agent and instructed agent is completed. The application populates this value automatically and therefore the user is not required to worry about choosing the correct method. Below are the applicable codes of settlement method used to settle the credit transfer instruction which is only applicable for disposition code ‘PAC’.

COVE (Cover Method)

To be used, when settlement is done through a cover payment. It is used for indirect payment with two messages. For example,

  • pacs.008 message will be sent to the Beneficiary's bank with settlement method as “COVE” and pacs.009COV message will be sent to the nostro correspondent bank with settlement method as “INDA”
  • pacs.009ADV (advice) message is sent to the Beneficiary's bank with settlement method as “COVE” plus a pacs.009CORE message will be sent to the nostro correspondent bank with “INDA”.

INDA (Instructed Agent)

To be used when the settlement is done by the agent instructed to execute the payment instruction. That is, when the accounts “Served by” party in the transaction Maintaining Accounts is equal to the party receiving this message (with whom the bank using the application maintains a nostro account).

This could be used for both, a (direct) payment with one message (ex: a single pacs.008) or an indirect two payment Cover method (e.g. pacs.008 and pacs.009COV) and when the credit account is a nostro account.

  • 2-payment cover method (pacs.008 with pacs.009COV): When a pacs.008 message is sent to the beneficiary's bank with settlement method as “COVE”, the pacs.009COV message sent to our nostro correspondent bank will use the settlement method “INDA”.
  • 2-payment cover method (pacs.009ADV with pacs.009CORE): Where pacs.009ADV message sent to the beneficiary's bank with settlement method as “COVE”. The pacs.009CORE message sent to our nostro correspondent bank will use the settlement method “INDA”.
  • 1-payment serial method (single pacs.008): Since this message will be received by our nostro bank, the settlement method will be “INDA”.
  • 1-payment serial method (single pacs.009CORE): Since this message will also be received by our nostro bank, the settlement method will be “INDA”.

INGA (Instructing Agent)

Not used in the application as the disposition code DAC is used then, which does not generate payment messages.

en/app/020cor/050mod/0030sespay.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/26 13:40 by dm