
CONINF Completion

Completion Panel

This panel is available for all transactions and contains general information and references relevant to the contract. A particular setting provides two options affecting the contents of the information field. This can either be displayed to the user each time the contract is opened ('Automatically display'), or only when the user comes across the panel in the course of transaction processing.('Do not display').

These messages can also provide details relevant to settlement of the contract at hand. In some business sectors, such information is provided from other contract fields.

General Information relating to the contract can be captured in the “General” and “Settlement” fields.

In order to better handle the various transactions in a customer order, it is possible to select an underlying customer order to the transaction. This helps the user see which order the transaction belongs to, even while processing the transaction itself. In particular, queries and other interactions regularly necessitate the use of additional transactions that draw on an existing/processed customer order.

Use the checkbox “Assign Order” (with a new order) or “Assign to Other Cust. Order” (with several open orders). A selection from the combobox is only possible when the checkbox has been checked. A warning is issued if an order is selected that is not listed in the combobox.

If a date is entered in the “Date of execution” field, all services in the service sequence for this transaction that are dependent on the PDD service “Check date of execution” are only executed when this date is reached. This enables transactions to be compiled in advance.

Release Routing

The “User type” field determines the selection available to the user to enter in the “Send for release to” field.
Generally, if the user's profile allows him to release his own transactions, his own User ID is defaulted in this field.

However, if the user selects the 'Releaser' user type, the first person in the list of Maintaining responsible Releaser with sufficient release rights is defaulted in the field.

Entry of a '?' question mark displays all suitable users for selection in this list, i.e.

- the user can also select 'Team' as the user type, in which case only members with release privileges of his own team are offered for selection,

- the user can also select 'All', in which case all users with release privileges are offered for selection, including those who are assigned to some other team or no team.

The transaction then appears in the Release Folder of the user entered in the “Send for release to” field.

Incoming Info - Tag 72/79

The “Incoming Tag 72/79” panel is displayed only if tags 72 and / or 79 were filled in an incoming message under a contract. Since follow-up messages may result in the above-mentioned tags being re-filled, this panel can be used to trace the historic development of incoming messages. The panel is purely informative in nature and cannot be edited.

en/app/020cor/050mod/0080coninf.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/25 07:13 by mm