

In the fields of export L/Cs and reimbursements, the field “Confirmed by us” can be used to stipulate whether the L/C is confirmed or not. Silent confirmation may also be selected, in which case the L/C is also confirmed but this is not communicated externally. The confirmed amount is entered as an exposure when an L/C is opened and may be subject to change.

In the business sector Guarantees, the forwarding of guarantees of the type 'Advising with confirmation' is always accompanied by a confirmation. The silent confirmation option is not available in the Guarantees sector.

If a confirmation has been selected, it can be stipulated whether it is to be a full or a partial confirmation. In the case of a full confirmation, the field % rate is filled 100% and the field for the confirmation amount is filled with the maximum amount of the L/C (i.e., the maximum amount of the business transaction plus a tolerance plus an additional amount) or of the guarantee.

There are 2 options in the event of a partial confirmation:

  • The amount confirmed is entered. Next, the % rate is calculated and displayed. In the case of subsequent changes, the amount confirmed is not automatically changed but must be manually adjusted to the new confirmed amount where necessary.
  • The % rate of the confirmation is entered. Next, the amount confirmed is calculated and displayed. In the event of subsequent changes, the confirmation amount is always adjusted automatically on the basis of the % rate.

When utilizing the contract, the confirmation amount is always reduced by the amount used when taking up documents. When a confirmed business transaction is closed, the exposure is reversed.

en/app/020cor/060func/0040cnfinf.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)