
Transferring a Party

These transactions are used to change the party including the necessary rebooking of liability, if applicable. In doing so, the liability is booked out of the account of the previous party and booked in to the account of the new party.

It is possible, that the role is disabled and thus cannot be replaced. The note describing the reason why the role is enabled can be found in the hint of the disabled key field. Usually, the reason is, that there are still fees stored in the pool for the old party.
These fees need to be settled with the corresponding fee settlement transaction (xxTFEE), before the party can be transferred.

Temporary settlements will also be transferred to the new party after selecting the new party.
The disposition code is marked with an 'A' (advised in temporary settlement).

In case the new party is not to be debited with fees settled with temporary settlements, the temporary settlement has to be settled with the previous party, before transferring the party.

A message will be created for the new party as well as for the old party. The message advises the transfer of the party and the settlement of fees, if applicable.

en/app/020cor/060func/0300gntrf.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)