
Manager for Service Layer

Transaction SMCTSK

With the Web Service Request and the manager for incoming request, there is a new format to operate DOKA-NG from outside. With one service layer request, it is possible to call a DOKA-NG transaction with the necessary data fields for this transaction in JSON format.

There are 2 possible types of requests:

  • GET requests to receive data from DOKA-NG, not handled by SMCTSK
  • POST requests to execute one business transaction

The business transaction can be a transaction to open a contract, or a transaction to change an existing contract.

The Manager for Service Layer (SMCTSK) operates on the table SMC - Webservice requests.

Attachments included in the incoming request are taken out from JSON and stored as files attached to the contract. JSON stored in SMC table is updated to avoid keeping attachments content in the database.

This transaction processes incoming Web Service Requests. These requests are stored in the database table SMC in JSON format.

Requests can be generated for business transactions, static data entries and background manager control. Which function rsp. transaction should be called is defined via the target transaction entity which is set from the API.

The request handling process consists of the following steps:

  • Parsing the request
  • Mapping data from request to fields of the pending item (SPT)
  • Generating automatic pending item for the execution

Status Description

The service layer request contains a status field. The status for the request will be changed always when the request is handled.

  • Inserted - new request received and processing is pending
  • SPT created - request successfully processed, pending item created
  • Processed - automatic pending item successfully processed by Manager for Automatic Execution of Pending Items
  • Warning - the transaction is saved, though, warnings occurred during automatic processing
  • Error - the transaction is not saved because errors occurred during automatic processing. Pending item, in this case, is removed. The request has to be corrected and sent again

More information on the Service Layer is available under Service Layer.

Transaction Panels

Manager for Web Service Requests

Web Request ( SMC records ) can be searched over the status or with text search in the 'search for text' field.
The selected record can be shown / edited. Here the Json content and status can be altered. All other fields are shown on the panel.
If the Json in the content stream consist only of 1 line, the Json can be converted into a better readable format with the 'Expand' Button.

en/app/020cor/060func/0855smctsk.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/02 12:56 by mm