
SMC - Webservice requests

Module SMC


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
FNC Function Text 250
USR Creating User Text 8
STA Status of SMC record Text 1 Embedded
CONSTM Content of Webservoce request Stream 1
ERRSTM Errors from Webservice request Stream 1
WRNSTM Warnings from webservice request Stream 1
INCDATTIM Timestamp of creation of the SMC record Datetime 15
UPDDATTIM Timestamp of the last update of the SMC record Datetime 15
OBJTYP Objecttype of SMC record Text 6
OBJINR Object INR of SMC record Text 8
OWNREF Reference number of object Text 16
AMENBR Number of Amendments Numeric 16
ERGSTM Return stream Stream 1

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield USR Creating User

This field contains the creating User.

Datafield STA Status of SMC record

This field contains the status of the SMC record Possible values are I = Inserted W = Warning E = Error P = Processed C = SPT created

Code Text
I Inserted
E Error
P Processed
C SPT created
W Warning

Datafield CONSTM Content of Webservoce request

This field contains the content of the Webservice request in Json format.

Datafield ERRSTM Errors from Webservice request

This field contains the error messages, if an error occurred during processing the webservice request. The status of the SMC record will be set to 'E'

Datafield WRNSTM Warnings from webservice request

This field contains the warning messages if warnings occurred. The status of the SMC record will be set to 'W'

Datafield INCDATTIM Timestamp of creation of the SMC record

This field contains the date and time, when the SMC record was created

Datafield UPDDATTIM Timestamp of the last update of the SMC record

This field contains the date and time, when the SMC record was updated

Datafield OBJTYP Objecttype of SMC record

This field contains the object type of the object to which the SMC record belongs

Datafield OBJINR Object INR of SMC record

This field contains the INR of the object to which the SMC record belongs

Datafield OWNREF Reference number of object

This field contains reference number of the object to which the SMC record belongs

Datafield AMENBR Number of Amendments

This field is used to store the number of amendments made to the contract so far. This field is automatically updated from the relevant amendment transaction.

en/app/020cor/060func/0857smc.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/14 14:02 (external edit)