
GLP - Pool of GL Entries

Module GLP


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6 CBOTXT
OBJINR INR of Object Text 8
MODFLG Modified Text 1 Embedded
SEPINR INR of Associated Temporary Settlement Text 8
SRCTRNINR Transaction Creating or Modifying the Entry Text 8
SRCDAT Date of Creation Date 12
ROL Role Text 3 <fixed-length>
ACCCUR Account Currency Text 3
FMTACCAMT Amount to be Paid Numeric 18
ACT Account Text 34 <fixed-length>
OLDACT Old Account Text 34
VALDAT Value Date Date 12
DEBCDTFLG Debit/Credit Text 1 Embedded
CUR Currency Text 3
FMTAMT Original Amount Numeric 18
ACCAMTFIX Acc. Amount Calculated from Sum Text 1
AMT Amount Numeric 18
ACCAMT Amount Booked Numeric 18
ACTPRIFLG Search Type Text 35 Embedded
OLDACTPRIFLG Old Search Type Text 35
ROLSTDFLG Store as Standard Account for this Contract Party Text 1
PAOFLG Payment Order Text 1 Embedded
STRINF52 Debit/Payment Information Block 30
FCHCHKFLG Usage of Forward Rate Checked Text 1
CORACTID Their Account Identif. Text 35
ROLPTAINR Role Address INR Text 8
ROLPTYINR Role Party INR Text 8
ACTPTYFLG Empty, If Not Changed by User Text 1
SFTMT Type of Main Payment Message Text 3
TLEBENFLG Advice Beneficiary by Telecommunication Text 1
STRINF Sender to Receiver Information Message to Benf. Inst. Block 35
STRINFERI Sender to Receiver Information Message to Benf. Inst. Block 35
STRINFCON1 Code Selection Text 8 Embedded
DIRINDFLG Direct Payment (One Message) Text 1 Embedded
DSPFLG Disposition Flag Text 1
ACCCUROLD Acc. Currency for which Rate is Defined Text 3
DCBRATTYP Document Currency at Base RATe TYPe Text 1 RATTYP
DCBEXTRAT Document Currency at Base EXTernal RATe Numeric 14
OLDDCBEXTRAT Old Document Curreny at Base EXTernal RATe Numeric 14
SCBEXTRAT Settlement Currency at Base EXTernal RATe Numeric 14
OLDSCBEXTRAT Old Settle Currency at Base EXTernal RATe Numeric 14
SCBRATTYP Settlement Currency at Base RATe TYPe Text 1
FLG Type Text 1
XRFCUR Currency of Converted Amount (usually system currency, optio Text 3 CURTXT
XRFAMT Sys Currency Amount Equivalent Numeric 18
FCDINR Forward Contract to be Used for Conversion Text 8
RATTYP Codetable of Supported Rate Types Text 2 Embedded
SCBSQRRAT Settlement Currency at Base SQaRing RATe Numeric 14
DCBSQRRAT Settlement Currency at Base SQaRing RATe Numeric 14
INTACTID Account Identif. Intermediary Text 35
RAT Rate Used Numeric 14
ROLACTID Account Identif. Available with Bank Text 35
DCBRESRAT Reference Document Rate Selling Numeric 11
DCBREBRAT Reference Document Rate Selling Numeric 11
SCBREBRAT Reference Settlement Rate Selling Numeric 11
SCBRESRAT Reference Settlement Rate Selling Numeric 11
BASCUR Rate Base Currency Text 3 CURTXT
BASAMT Rate Base Currency Amount Equivalent Numeric 18
ACTFLG Account Flag Text 1
EXTSETFLG Account External Set Text 1
AWIACTID Account Identif. Available with Bank Text 34
DONFLG Done Text 1
SETXXXROW Ref. for SETxxx Numeric 4
VALDATTRN Value Date (as Set from Transaction) Date 12
OLDDSP Old Disposition Text 3
OLDACTINR Old Account Party Text 8
ACCCPRAMT Compressed Amount Paid from this Line Numeric 18
FMTACCCPRAMT Compressed Amount Paid from this Line for Display Numeric 18
DSP Disposition Text 3 Embedded
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

Refers the business type of the respective contract

Datafield OBJINR INR of Object

Internal unique ID (INR) of the object.

Datafield MODFLG Modified

Flags to identify which field of the different relevant fields was modified.

Datafield SEPINR INR of Associated Temporary Settlement

Unique Interal ID (INR) of Associated Temporary Settlement

Datafield SRCTRNINR Transaction Creating or Modifying the Entry

Specifies the transaction Creating or Modifying the Entry

Datafield SRCDAT Date of Creation

Specifies the date of creation

Datafield ROL Role

Corresponding role to the GL Entry

Datafield ACCCUR Account Currency

Currency of the amount booked for the corresponding GL Entry

Datafield FMTACCAMT Amount to be Paid

Specifies the amount to be paid

Datafield ACT Account

The objective is to specify the account to be affected by this booking. This field contains the account as represented in the GL Entry.

Datafield OLDACT Old Account

Specifies the old account

Datafield VALDAT Value Date

The objective is to specify, when this booking is valued. This field contains the value date as accepted or supplied by the user.

Datafield DEBCDTFLG Debit/Credit

Flag to select Debit/Credit

Datafield CUR Currency

The objective is to specify the currency of this booking entry. This field contains the ISO-Code of the currency.

Datafield FMTAMT Original Amount

The objective is to specify the orignal amount.

Datafield ACCAMTFIX Acc. Amount Calculated from Sum

Acc. Amount Calculated from Sum

Datafield AMT Amount

The objective is to specify the booking amount. This field contains the amount in booking currency.

Datafield ACCAMT Amount Booked

Specifies the booked amount

Datafield ACTPRIFLG Search Type

Flag to define if only favourite accounts should be shown or all accounts should be shown. Can be set on settlement details panel.

Datafield OLDACTPRIFLG Old Search Type

Value of ACTPRIFLG when starting the transaction

Datafield ROLSTDFLG Store as Standard Account for this Contract Party

Store as Standard Account for this Contract Party

Datafield PAOFLG Payment Order

If set, payment messages should be created for this line.

Datafield STRINF52 Debit/Payment Information

Additional payment information for interim settlement bookings as disposition (IND/INC)

Datafield FCHCHKFLG Usage of Forward Rate Checked

Usage of Forward Rate Checked

Datafield CORACTID Their Account Identif.

Correspondent bank account identification

Datafield ROLPTAINR Role Address INR

Unique internal ID of the party role address

Datafield ROLPTYINR Role Party INR

Unique internal ID of the party role

Datafield ACTPTYFLG Empty, If Not Changed by User

Flag will be empty if account is not changed by User

Datafield SFTMT Type of Main Payment Message

Type of message for the Main Payment Message

Datafield TLEBENFLG Advice Beneficiary by Telecommunication

Advice Beneficiary by Telecommunication

Datafield STRINF Sender to Receiver Information Message to Benf. Inst.

Sender to Receiver Information Message to Beneficiary institution.

Datafield STRINFERI Sender to Receiver Information Message to Benf. Inst.

Sender to receiver information message to Beneficiary Institution

Datafield STRINFCON1 Code Selection

The code in the sender to receiver information

Datafield DIRINDFLG Direct Payment (One Message)

Direct Payment (One Message)

Datafield DSPFLG Disposition Flag

Default (empty): Disposition, Currency and Account can be edited F: Disposition disabled; Currency and Account can be edited C:Disposition and Currency disabled; Account can be edited A:Disposition, Currency and Account disabled

Datafield ACCCUROLD Acc. Currency for which Rate is Defined

The old account currency for which the rate is defined.

Datafield DCBRATTYP Document Currency at Base RATe TYPe

Document Currency to Base Rate Type

Datafield DCBEXTRAT Document Currency at Base EXTernal RATe

Document Currency to Base Externall Rate

Datafield OLDDCBEXTRAT Old Document Curreny at Base EXTernal RATe

Old document currency to Base External Rate

Datafield SCBEXTRAT Settlement Currency at Base EXTernal RATe

Settle currency to Base External Rate

Datafield OLDSCBEXTRAT Old Settle Currency at Base EXTernal RATe

Old settle currency to Base External Rate

Datafield SCBRATTYP Settlement Currency at Base RATe TYPe

Settle currency to Base Rate Type

Datafield FLG Type

not used

Datafield XRFCUR Currency of Converted Amount (usually system currency, optio

Currency of Converted Amount (Usually SYSCUR)

Datafield XRFAMT Sys Currency Amount Equivalent

Amount converted to system currency

Datafield FCDINR Forward Contract to be Used for Conversion

Forward Contract to be used for Conversion

Datafield RATTYP Codetable of Supported Rate Types

( M-iddle, B-uying, S-elling, I-nput)

Datafield SCBSQRRAT Settlement Currency at Base SQaRing RATe

Customer specific rate field

Datafield DCBSQRRAT Settlement Currency at Base SQaRing RATe

Customer specific rate field

Datafield INTACTID Account Identif. Intermediary

Intermediary bank's account identification

Datafield RAT Rate Used

Specifies the rate used

Datafield ROLACTID Account Identif. Available with Bank

Account Identification for Available with Bank

Datafield DCBRESRAT Reference Document Rate Selling

Reference Document Rate Selling

Datafield DCBREBRAT Reference Document Rate Selling

Reference Document Rate Selling

Datafield SCBREBRAT Reference Settlement Rate Selling

Reference Settle Rate Selling

Datafield BASCUR Rate Base Currency

Rate for the base currency

Datafield BASAMT Rate Base Currency Amount Equivalent

Rate for the base currency amount equivalent

Datafield ACTFLG Account Flag

Empty:Initialized M-anually D-efaulted N-o account found

Datafield EXTSETFLG Account External Set

Flag for external account

Datafield AWIACTID Account Identif. Available with Bank

Available with bank for account identification

Datafield DONFLG Done

If selected it denotes the action is done

Datafield SETXXXROW Ref. for SETxxx

Reference for SETxxx

Datafield VALDATTRN Value Date (as Set from Transaction)

Value Date (as Set from Transaction)

Datafield OLDDSP Old Disposition

The original disposition before it was changed.

Datafield OLDACTINR Old Account Party

Caution: This field holds a PTA.INR !

Datafield ACCCPRAMT Compressed Amount Paid from this Line

Only set for the first line with the same CPRMAC.

For correspondence or GL creation this amount may be used instead of ACCAMT if the booking amounts for the same account currency, account and value date shall be used in one amount

Datafield FMTACCCPRAMT Compressed Amount Paid from this Line for Display

Compressed Amount Paid from this Line for Display

Datafield DSP Disposition

Dispostion for settlement

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

en/app/020cor/060func/0920glp.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)