
Address Interface with BID

Using the DOKIFM module, addresses can be pre-filled with data from the BID Table filled via Import BID . This module is active if the 'UseBIDFlg' flag is defined in the ini file 'DOKIFM.INI' and is not left blank.

If data from BID is to be used when entering a party, the hash symbol '#' is to be entered in the party selection number. When leaving the field, the BID selection panel is displayed.

A BIC of up to 8 digits and a branch code can be entered in this panel. The specified records are searched for in the BID Table via the [ Search] button and displayed in the selection list. If a record is selected, then its address will be incorporated in the address field. In addition, the BIC is assumed and the “Messages” field defaults to 'SWIFT'.

Change history

If the address or the BIC of a party is changed, then the “Modification” field is set to “modified”. This field can also be returned to the original setting by clicking the icon. This flag is significant in the Check addresses against BID table (CHKBID) transaction. Only addresses of parties are compared with the BID Table that are not designated as “modified”.

en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/0030dokifm.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/25 09:07 by mm