
Check addresses against TAD table

Transaction CHKTAD

This transaction checks for all main and additional addresses stored in the application with a BIC whether there is an entry in the T2 Directory for this BIC from the table BID - BICPlusIBAN.

This transaction should be started at least after the Import T2-RTGS Directory into the TAD table, so that outdated T2 RTGS entries can be prevented from being used in T2 RTGS.

Select the checkbox “Check, if addresses, which are no longer defined in T2 RTGS directory, can be blocked.” causes to check if an address which is no longer present in the application could be blocked.

In Test mode, only the checks are performed, no update is done.

In Reorg/Process mode.

  • for participants who have a TAD registered
    • the valid entry is taken from the T2 RTGS Directory,
    • the TAD entry is not taken over if no assigned BIC was found for the T2 BIC in the master data,
  • no update is executed, if the change flag is “unchanged”.

Problems and inconsistencies are exported in the “Log” file and have to be corrected manually.

There is no automatic deletion of additional addresses or participants with all addresses.

Before executing the reorg function, the transaction checks how many addresses would be affected by changes. If this is more than specified in the ini file CHKBID.INI (default 100), the reorganization may only be executed in the foreground and only by an administrator. This contains a corresponding prompt with the number of changes.

Transaction Panels


en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/0210chktad.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/15 09:10 by bagyaraj