
PTD - Party Liability Details

Module PTD


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OBJINR INR of PTE Entry Text 8
OBJTYP Object Type (Always PTE) Text 6 CBOTXT
COVTYP Cover Type Text 3 Embedded
CUR Currency Text 3 CURTXT
TRFRSK Transfer Political Risk in % Numeric 5
TRFRSKAMT Transfer Political Risk Amount Numeric 18
INTDELAMT Interest Delcredere Risk Amount Numeric 18
INTDELRSK Interest Delcredere Risk in % Numeric 5
INTTRFAMT Interest Transfer Political Risk Amount Numeric 18
INTTRFRSK Interest Transfer Political Risk in % Numeric 5
RSKTYP Risk Mitigation Text 2 Embedded
ACC Collateral Account Text 34
ROLTYP Role type Text 1 Embedded
OWNPRC Percentage from Owntake Numeric 8
RSKBOKFLG With Liability Text 1
ECADELAMT Total Value (Delivery Services) Numeric 18
ECADOWAMT ECA Down Payment Amount Numeric 18
ECAITRAMT ECA Interim Payment Numeric 18
ECAUNCAMT ECA Uncovered Amount Numeric 18
ECAIDCAMT ECA Capitalized Interest During Constr. (IDC) Numeric 18
ECAFINAMT ECA Financing Costs (financed) Numeric 18
ECAINPAMT ECA Insurance Premium (financed) Numeric 18
ECAINSAMT ECA Total Insured Amount Numeric 18
ECAEXINTAMT ECA External Interest Amount Numeric 18
ECAISSDAT ECA Issue Date Date 12
ECAPRESHPFLG ECA Pre-Shipment Risk Insurance Text 1
ECANONDISFLG ECA Non-Disbursement Risk Combined Text 1
ECAWCIFLG ECA Working Capital Insurance Text 1
ECAPRIAMT ECA Indemnification Principal Amount Numeric 18
ECAINTAMT ECA Indemnification Interest Amount Numeric 18
ECATOTAMT ECA Total Transfer Indemnification Amount Numeric 18
ECADELPRIAMT ECA Delcredere Indemnification Principal Amount Numeric 18
ECADELINTAMT ECA Delcredere Indemnification Interest Amount Numeric 18
ECATOTDELAMT ECA Total Delcredere Indemnification Amount Numeric 18
ECANPL ECA Default Notification Period (in Days) Numeric 2
ECAGOODS ECA Goods Text 40
ECASPC ECA Special Conditions Text 40
ECACTRDAT ECA Conclusion of Delivery Contract Date 12
ECACTROPNDAT ECA Enter in Force of Delivery Contract Date 12
ECAFSTDELDAT ECA First Delivery Date Date 12
ECAASGDAT ECA Approval of Assignment Date Date 12
ECACOMDAT ECA Commission Date Date 12
ECALSTDELDAT ECA Last Delivery Date Date 12
ECAFSTDISDAT ECA First Disbursement Date Date 12
ECALSTDISDAT ECA Last Disbursement Date Date 12
ECAWAIPER ECA Waiting Period in Months Numeric 2
ECACOLDUR ECA Collateral Duration Numeric 3
ECACESSION Cessionary Text 35
ECAASGNOTDAT ECA Notification of Assignment Date Date 12
ECAEXPDAT ECA Maximum Repayment Date Date 12
ECASTRDAT ECA Starting Point Date 12
GUAOWNFLG Guarantee Own Take or Other Agent Text 1
GUABEN Guarantee Beneficiary Text 1 Embedded
GUATFEE Transferee Text 40
GUATFEDAT Date of Transfer Date 12
GUAEVRCLS Evergreen Clause Text 40 Embedded
GUAJURLAW Guarantee Place of Jurisdiction Text 40
GUAEXPDAT Guarantee Max. Expiry Date Date 12
GUAINTAMT Guarantee Coverage Amount Interest Numeric 18
GUAISSDAT Guarantee Issue Date Date 12
GUATOTAMT Guarantee Total Coverage Amount Numeric 18
GUAWAIT Guarantee Waiting Period in Days Numeric 3
GUARULFLG Guarantee Applicable Rule URDG Text 1
LIABEGDAT Liability Start Date Date 12
LIAENDDAT Liability End Date Date 12
COLRTN Collateral Risk Bearer Rating Text 2
COLCTYRTN Collateral Country rating Text 7
ECAPOLNO ECA Policy Number Text 18
RCSTYP Recourse Type Text 3 Embedded
CUSACTEXTKEY External Search Key of Custody Account Text 34
IDNCUSEXTKEY External Key of Indemnity Party Text 24
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in TRNDIA Block 6
COLCTY Country Risk Domicile Text 2 CTYTXT
GUAMAXAMT Guarantee Coverage Amount Principal Numeric 18
ECAPOLOWN ECA Policy Owner Text 1 Embedded

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OBJINR INR of PTE Entry

INR of the owning PTE entry.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type (Always PTE)

Type of object the PTD entry refers to. This is the table the object is stored in, which is always PTE.

Datafield ACC Collateral Account

This optional account number field might be used to store the account number used in the corresponding GL accounting entry. This information might be used when closing a balance to use the same account number as on creating the entry.

Datafield ECAPOLOWN ECA Policy Owner

This field specifies the policy owner of the ECA. Possible values are: - Bank - Exporter

Code Text
E Exporter
B Bank
K Lender

Datafield GUABEN Guarantee Beneficiary

This field specifies the beneficiary of the guarantee. Possible values are: - Bank - Exporter - Other

Code Text
E Exporter
B Bank
O Other

Datafield GUAEVRCLS Evergreen Clause

Code Text
Y Yearly
S Semi-Annually

Datafield RCSTYP Recourse Type

Code Text
10 Cash Account
14 Custody Account
99 Uncovered

Datafield CUSACTEXTKEY External Search Key of Custody Account

The external key is used to identify the account as unique. The external key can be used to search for an account that is already stored in the database.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in TRNDIA

List of modified fields of this DIA entry to keep track of all modifications in the past. Used in SetModFldinRec and GetModFldinRec.

When adding new fields, please note that the number of LINES is increased accordingly.

en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/0825ptd.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)