

Module BID


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 40
TAG tag Text 3
MODIFICATION modification Flag Text 1 Embedded
RECKEY record key Text 12
INSTITUTION Institution name Text 105
CITY City Heading Text 35
BRANCH Branch Information Text 70
BIC BIC Code Text 8
BRANCHCODE Branch Code Text 3
BICUNIQUE Unique BIC Code Text 8
BRANCHUNIQUE Unique Branch Code Text 3
IBANBIC IBAN Bic Code Text 8
IBANBRANCH IBAN Branch Code Text 3
ROUTBIC Routing BIC Code Text 8
ROUTBRANCH Routing Branch Code Text 3
PARENTBK Parent Bank Code Text 4
CTY Country Code Text 2
NATID National ID Text 15
NATIDUNIQUE Unique National ID Text 15
IBANCTY IBAN Country Code Text 2
IBANNATID IBAN National ID Text 15
OTHNATID1 Other National ID 1 Text 17
OTHNATID2 Other National ID 2 Text 17
CHIPS Chips Uid Text 6
SUBTYPE Subtype Indicator Text 4
SRV Services Codes Text 60
BRANCHQUA Branch Qualifier Text 35
SPECCOD Special Code Text 6
ADR1 Physical Address 1 Text 35
ADR2 Physical Address 2 Text 35
ADR3 Physical Address 3 Text 35
ADR4 Physical Address 4 Text 35
ZIPCOD ZIP Code Text 15
LOC Location Text 90
CTYNAM Country Name Text 70
POBNO POB Number Text 35
POBZIBCOD POB Zip Code Text 15
POBLOC POB Location Text 90
POBCTY POB Country Name Text 70
NATIDEXPDAT National ID Expiry Date Date 12
UPDDAT Date of last Update Date 12
IBANKEY Record Key in IBAN Plus File Text 12

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield TAG tag

Record Identifier: BI

Datafield MODIFICATION modification Flag

Modification flag: - A (addition) - M (modification) - D (deletion) - U (unchanged) - E (expired):reserved for future use

Code Text
A addition
M modification
D deletion
U unchanged
E expired

Datafield RECKEY record key

The unique key of the record in the file: the key is made up of the ISO Country code and a sequential number of 6 digits.

Datafield INSTITUTION Institution name

Institution name

Datafield CITY City Heading

City name

Datafield BRANCH Branch Information

Branch information

Datafield BIC BIC Code

BIC (institution, country, and location code): - institution code (4 char) - country code (2 char) - location code (2 char) BIC CODE is the BIC related to the National ID (the account servicing institution) if matched with a national code.

Datafield BRANCHCODE Branch Code

BIC (branch code) Branch code (XXX for main office) associated to BIC CODE

Datafield BICUNIQUE Unique BIC Code

BIC (institution, country, and location code): - institution code (4 char) - country code (2 char) - location code (2 char) UNIQUE BIC CODE is the BIC CODE. For search purposes, the value is unique within the active records (that is, only records with a modification flag of U, A, or M).

Datafield BRANCHUNIQUE Unique Branch Code

BIC (branch code) Branch code (XXX for main office) associated to UNIQUE BIC CODE

Datafield IBANBIC IBAN Bic Code

BIC (institution, country, and location code): - institution code (4 char) - country code (2 char) - location code (2 char) IBAN BIC CODE is the BIC issued together with the IBANs to the bank's clients.

Datafield IBANBRANCH IBAN Branch Code

BIC (branch code) Branch code (XXX for main office) associated to IBAN BIC CODE.

Datafield ROUTBIC Routing BIC Code

BIC (institution, country, and location code): - institution code (4 char) - country code (2 char) - location code (2 char) ROUTING BIC CODE is meant for SWIFT messaging purposes. When the IBAN BIC CODE is a non-connected BIC (BIC1), the ROUTING BIC CODE is filled to provide an addressable code on the SWIFT network.

Datafield ROUTBRANCH Routing Branch Code

BIC (branch code) Branch code (XXX for main office) associated to ROUTING BIC CODE.

Datafield PARENTBK Parent Bank Code

Bank code of the parent BIC. This field contains the first 4 characters of the BIC CODE of the parent institution (or if not available, of the IBAN BIC CODE).

Datafield CTY Country Code

ISO country code of the financial institution.

Datafield NATID National ID

National identifier of the bank

Datafield NATIDUNIQUE Unique National ID

National ID. Value is unique in the data file per COUNTRY CODE (for search purposes). The value is unique within the active records (that is, only records with a modification flag of U, A, or M).

Datafield IBANCTY IBAN Country Code

ISO country code prefix of the IBAN that the bank issues.

Datafield IBANNATID IBAN National ID

The National ID as included in the IBAN. IBAN National ID can slightly differ from the Bank and Branch identifiers as defined in the ISO13616 IBAN structure. See the table in “IBAN Country Codes and BBANs” for the differences.

Datafield IBANNATIDUNIQUE Unique IBAN National ID

IBAN National ID. For search purposes, value is unique in the data file per IBAN Country Code. The value is unique within the active records (that is, only records with a modification flag of U, A, or M). See the table in “IBAN Country Codes and BBANs” for the differences.

Datafield OTHNATID1 Other National ID 1

For some countries (for example: Slovakia), 2 types of national ID co-exist; the “Other National ID” fields can take care of these special cases. Furthermore, banks can obtain foreign national IDs, even when they are not physically located in that foreign country. Threrfore, provision is made in the BICPlusIBAN to include National IDs for countries other than the country of residence. For example, Lloyds Bank London can have a BLZ number. In this case, for the corresponding record in the BICPlusIBAN, a field National ID is filled with the appropriate BSC code. An “Other national ID” field will contain DE for Germany, and the appropriate BLZ number. If available for the corresponding National ID, the Special Code is appended after national ID.

Datafield OTHNATID2 Other National ID 2

For some countries (for example: Slovakia), 2 types of national ID co-exist; the “Other National ID” fields can take care of these special cases. Furthermore, banks can obtain foreign national IDs, even when they are not physically located in that foreign country. Threrfore, provision is made in the BICPlusIBAN to include National IDs for countries other than the country of residence. For example, Lloyds Bank London can have a BLZ number. In this case, for the corresponding record in the BICPlusIBAN, a field National ID is filled with the appropriate BSC code. An “Other national ID” field will contain DE for Germany, and the appropriate BLZ number. If available for the corresponding National ID, the Special Code is appended after national ID.

Datafield CHIPS Chips Uid

CHIPS Universal ID for the financial institution.

Datafield SUBTYPE Subtype Indicator

Type of financial institution See the BIC Directors Business Codes for a complete list of subtype indicators and their definitions.

Datafield SRV Services Codes

Service codes: value added services that the financial institution has subscribed to. For example: RTGSplus in Germany, BIREL in Italy. TGT - Target2 direct participants. STG - Chaps Sterling (RTGS) in United Kingdom. A plus sign (+) as the third character indicates another participant of this service. See the BIC Directory Business Codes for a complete list of service codes. Positions (20 * 3 char, there are no spaces between the codes): - 1- 48: can contain up to 16 three-character service codes in alphabetical order - 49 -51: can contain the preferred service code. If not used, the are left blank - 52-60: are reserved for future use

Datafield BRANCHQUA Branch Qualifier

BIC branch qualifiers (see the BIC Directory Business Codes for a complete list of the branch qualifiers and their definitions). For example. ADM = Administration, BKO - Back office. Positions (there are no spaces between the codes): - 1-18: can contain up to 6 three-character branch qualifiers in alphabetic order - 19-35: are unused and left empty

Datafield SPECCOD Special Code

Specific Information (Special Code) from the National record for the financial institution (for a list, see “Special Code Field”).

Datafield ADR1 Physical Address 1

Physical address (part 1 to 4) Where possible, physical address fields are formatted to show the following logical groups of information, in the following sequence (each logical group is delimited by a “:”): - Contact Person: - Building, Floor, Apartment: - Street Number, Street Name, Street Cardinal Point: - Second Street Number, Second Street Number, Second Street Cardinal Point See also “Text Field”.

Datafield ADR2 Physical Address 2

Physical address (part 1 to 4) Where possible, physical address fields are formatted to show the following logical groups of information, in the following sequence (each logical group is delimited by a “:”): - Contact Person: - Building, Floor, Apartment: - Street Number, Street Name, Street Cardinal Point: - Second Street Number, Second Street Number, Second Street Cardinal Point See also “Text Field”.

Datafield ADR3 Physical Address 3

Physical address (part 1 to 4) Where possible, physical address fields are formatted to show the following logical groups of information, in the following sequence (each logical group is delimited by a “:”): - Contact Person: - Building, Floor, Apartment: - Street Number, Street Name, Street Cardinal Point: - Second Street Number, Second Street Number, Second Street Cardinal Point See also “Text Field”.

Datafield ADR4 Physical Address 4

Physical address (part 1 to 4) Where possible, physical address fields are formatted to show the following logical groups of information, in the following sequence (each logical group is delimited by a “:”): - Contact Person: - Building, Floor, Apartment: - Street Number, Street Name, Street Cardinal Point: - Second Street Number, Second Street Number, Second Street Cardinal Point See also “Text Field”.

Datafield ZIPCOD ZIP Code

Zip code

Datafield LOC Location

Location Where possible, the location field is formatted to show the following logical groups of information, in this sequence: “Suburb, City, Region, State”.

Datafield CTYNAM Country Name

Country name

Datafield POBNO POB Number

POB number

Datafield POBZIBCOD POB Zip Code

POB zip code

Datafield POBLOC POB Location

POB location

Datafield POBCTY POB Country Name

POB country name

Datafield NATIDEXPDAT National ID Expiry Date

Expiry Date: the date on which the national ID has been removed by the national authority. This field is reserved for future use.

Datafield UPDDAT Date of last Update

The date on which a BI record was last updated.

Datafield IBANKEY Record Key in IBAN Plus File

Identifies the RECORD KEY in the IBAN Plus - stored in Table IBN

en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/0930bid.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/25 12:53 (external edit)