
TAD - T2 RTGS directory

Module TAD


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 40
BIC BIC Code Text 11
BICACCOUNT T2 Account BIC Text 11
INSTITUTION Target2 RTGS Institution name Text 105
CITY T2 City Heading Text 35
NATSRTCODE National Sorting Code Text 15
MAINBICFLAG Main Bic Flag Text 1
MODIFICATION Modification Flag Text 1 Embedded
VALIDFROM Valid from Date 15
VALIDTO Valid to Date 15
PARTICIPATIONTYPE Participation Type Text 2 Embedded
CUR Currency Text 3

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield BIC BIC Code

BIC (institution, country, and location code): - institution code (4 char) - country code (2 char) - location code (2 char) BIC CODE is the BIC related to the National ID (the account servicing institution) if matched with a national code.

Datafield BICADDRESSEE T2 RTGS Addressee BIC

BIC (institution, country, and location code): - institution code (4 char) - country code (2 char) - location code (2 char) Target2 Addressee BIC is the BIC CODE to which Target2 messages shall be sent.

Datafield BICACCOUNT T2 Account BIC

Target2 Account BIC It is the BIC identifying the T2 RTGS DCA (Dedicated Cash Account) or CB (Central Bank) Account. For Target2 this is the account where the funds of a payment will be booked.

Datafield INSTITUTION Target2 RTGS Institution name

It is the name stored in the T2 RTGS BIC Directory together with the T2 Addressee BIC.

Datafield CITY T2 City Heading

It is the name of the city where the T2 RTGS Participant is established.

Datafield NATSRTCODE National Sorting Code

National Sorting Code of the T2 RTGS Participant

Datafield MAINBICFLAG Main Bic Flag

The Main BIC Flag specifies if the BIC could be used to address T2 RTGS payments if the sender has no other information where to send to.

Datafield MODIFICATION Modification Flag

Code Text
A addition
M modification
D deletion
U unchanged
E expired

Datafield VALIDFROM Valid from

This entriy is valid from the date defined in this field.

Datafield VALIDTO Valid to

This entry is valid until the date named in this field.

Datafield PARTICIPATIONTYPE Participation Type

Code Text
01 Direct
02 Indirect
03 Multi Addressee - Credit Institutions
04 Multi Addressee - Branch of Direct Participant
05 Addressable BIC - Correspondent
06 Addressable BIC - Branch of Direct Participant
07 Addressable BIC - Branch of Indirect Participant
08 Addressable BIC - Branch of Correspondent

Datafield CUR Currency

Currency for which this BIC is defined.

en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/0945tad.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/10 10:35 (external edit)