
Adding an Address Association

Transaction DBAPTA

This transaction is used to create a address association.

Detailed information about this static data system can be found under “Maintaining Address Associations”.

Transaction Panels

Address Association


Datafield Description
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Alternate Technical Key of Associated Address cf Appendix A, Table PTA field OBJKEY
Party Type Bank This field is used to specify the party type.
It is used to show a selection list of only those parties that
may be used for this field.
Party Type Client This field is used to specify the party type.
It is used to show a selection list of only those parties that
may be used for this field.
Party Type Own Address This field is used to specify the party type.
It is used to show a selection list of only those parties that
may be used for this field.
Party Type Other This field is used to specify the party type.
It is used to show a selection list of only those parties that
may be used for this field.
Name 1/SWIFT Line 1 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field NAM1
Name 2/SWIFT Line 2 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field NAM2
Name 3 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field NAM3
Street/SWIFT Line 3 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field STR1
Optional Second Line of Street cf Appendix A, Table ADR field STR2
ZIP Code/First Part of SWIFT Line 4 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field LOCZIP
Textpart of City/Second Part of SWIFT Line 4 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field LOCTXT
Second Line of City cf Appendix A, Table ADR field LOC2
Postbox cf Appendix A, Table ADR field POB
ZIP Code Used when Addressing Postbox cf Appendix A, Table ADR field POBZIP
Textpart of City Used when Addressing Postbox cf Appendix A, Table ADR field POBTXT
Country of Domicile cf Appendix A, Table ADR field LOCCTY
Email/Internet cf Appendix A, Table ADR field EML
Coded Usage of Address [xxxxxx] cf Appendix A, Table PTA field USG
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM
Address Status cf Appendix A, Table PTA field ADRSTA
Telephone 1 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TEL1
Telephone 2 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TEL2
Telefax 1 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field FAX1
Telefax 2 cf Appendix A, Table ADR field FAX2
Telex Number cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TLX
Bank Identifier Code (BIC) cf Appendix A, Table ADR field BIC
Legal Entity Identifier cf Appendix A, Table ADR field LEI
Branch Identification cf Appendix A, Table ADR field BID
TradeConnect ID cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TID
Bankleitzahl (German Clearing Code) cf Appendix A, Table ADR field BLZ
Clearing Code (for Banks) cf Appendix A, Table ADR field CLC
Default Language Code cf Appendix A, Table ADR field UIL
Primary Output Chanel of Messages (SWT, LET, TLX, TCO) cf Appendix A, Table ADR field CORTYP
Manually Modified cf Appendix A, Table ADR field MANMOD
Department cf Appendix A, Table ADR field DPT

Authentication of Address



Datafield Description
DTA Import L/C ID cf Appendix A, Table ADR field DTACID
DTA Export L/C ID cf Appendix A, Table ADR field DTECID
DTA Guarantees ID cf Appendix A, Table ADR field DTGCID
List of Business Sectors for TradeConnect cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TIDBUS
TradeConnect ID for Document Generation cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TIDTCX
List of Business Sectors for Document Generation cf Appendix A, Table ADR field TIDTCXBUS



Datafield Description
Text Field cf Appendix A, Table OIT field INFTXT
Display Type cf Appendix A, Table OIT field INFLEV

Structured Infotext

en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/2110dbapta.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/23 12:29 (external edit)