
Adding Categories

Transaction DBACTG

This transaction is used to create a category for “Structured Infotext and Attachments” that is associated with a list of business transactions.

To panel layout is designed in a way that the user can define the list of business transactions with a few clicks. The user can define any code and a descriptive name of the category. Only the “Name” of the category will be visible in business processing transactions lateron.

Upon start of the transaction, all business modules and all associated business transactions are marked as selected, thus the right side of the panel contains the maximum list of transactions. Any setting that is applied on the left side of the panel directly has an effect to the list of transactions that are displayed and checked on the right side of the panel.

  • The list of “Business Sectors” allows the user to associate a category to certain business modules only, e.g. selecting only the business sectors Guarantee (GI) and Guarantee Claim (GC) will shorten the list of transactions to business transactions of these modules only.
  • The field “Transaction Patterns” allows the user to define a category for certain transaction types. For example, using the pattern “??TAME” will shorten the list of transactions to all amendment (xxTAME) transactions.
  • The field “Transaction Class” allows the user to select a transaction class, such as “Opening”, “Amendment” or “Doc/ Claim Presentation”. In the Application Transaction Setting (see Maintaining Application Transaction Profiles for more information), each transaction can be associated to a logical transaction class. This selection can be useful when a category should be defined based on common functionalties. For example, the transaction class “Amendment” contains in addition to the “Amendment” transactions (xxTAME) also the “Request of Amendment” transactions (xxTRAM) and the “Internal Amendments” (xxTAMC).

Detailed information about this static data system can be found under Maintaining Categories.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Key of Category cf Appendix A, Table CTG field EXTKEY
Name of Category cf Appendix A, Table CTG field NAM
Transaction Class cf Appendix A, Table CTG field TRNCLA
Transaction Pattern cf Appendix A, Table CTG field TRNPAT

en/app/020cor/070ovs/010pty/2143dbactg.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/07 14:17 by mk