
Checklist to set up fees

A) Define fees to be used and create them in Maintaining Fees.

Make sure to use systematic fee codes. Suggestion: AABCCC where

  • AA is the business sector (ZZ for common fees),
  • B determines between C-ommssions and F-ees and
  • CCC is an additional attribute.

If possible please use the fee codes defaulted by MyModelbank. Inform your supporter under which circumstances and in which transactions other fees are to be defaulted as suggested by MyModelbank as those defaults needs to be implemented.

B) Define the required rate types in Maintaining Reference Interest Rate Types for CBS-based and interest calculation together with the current rates in Maintaining Reference Interest Rates if required.

C) Define the conditions with Maintaining Conditions. The most important conditions are the default conditions followed by the special conditions (usually for parties).

D) If you plan to import or enter historical contracts make sure to enter the conditions with validity started with the oldest open date of contract.

E) For commission calculation please provide typical examples together with expected results beginning with simple short term contracts and other examples for complicated day calculation ( eg. month with 30 days from February till March).

en/app/020cor/070ovs/020fee/020feedef.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:33 (external edit)