
General information about automatic commissioning

The following describes automatic commissioning based on the example of guarantee commissioning; the automatic commissioning is available for L/C and loan as well.

Commissions ( particularly guarantee commissions ) are often not calculated and settled for the complete validity period of the contract but for settlement periods defined for CBS-based fees on liability amounts in Maintaining Conditions in advance or at the end of those periods.

To support this periodic settlement, the automatic settlement is available in DOKA-NG. It consists of the following steps:

Transaction GIBCOM

The transaction GIBCOM Automatic Commissioning for Guarantees/Standby is is a process scanning the contracts for due commission settlements. For each of those contracts a pending item is created in the ToDo list and flagged to be executed automatically with the Manager for Automatic Execution of Pending Items or manually as a usual pending item.

This batch is either executed daily or at the end of the calendar quarter depending on the settlement periods used in the installation.

Commissioning for each contract

The transaction GITCOM Commissioning calculates and settles the commissions due for a contract and is the target transaction of the pending items created by the above mentioned process.

If the transaction encounters errors or warnings in background the transaction is set to the pending items. Otherwise the transaction is saved and passed to release or directly through the workflow depending on the release method defined.

The difference between Commissioning and Settling Charges is, that this transaction actively calculates due commissions, Settling Charges does only settle fees from pool or user added fees.


As soon as a contract with commission is stored it has it's own commission condition which persists even if the default condition or the party condition is changed in static data. The commission condition is treated as part of the contract. In some organizations each contract has an own commission rate agreement.

But sometimes condition changes shall be forwarded to existing contracts. To support this, this transaction is available allowing the user to select a party and the contracts of that party, which shall continue with a new condition.

For each contract a pending item is created for Liability Adjustment which sets the new condition to the selected contract. This transaction is executed automatically by Manager for Automatic Execution of Pending Items.

en/app/020cor/070ovs/020fee/030combas.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/26 08:58 by mm